We independently investigate the alleged wrongdoing of individuals, authorities, and businesses in our fight for you regardless of your location. We aim to work with the public but will, where necessary, not hesitate to hold people accountable with our paper or the law.

What do we do?
law enforcement
When someone has committed a serious crime and is a danger to society, we can use citizen powers to make an arrest or could, alternatively, request to collaborate with the police to bring the alleged offender to justice through a joint investigation. We can also use reasonable force in most countries and may also carry (and use) handcuffs while reporting in the UK.
evidence & intelligence
We actively gather intelligence to try and detect any problems in many communities and will, where needed, gather evidence/information about an issue or offender; where necessary, this can be published online or shared with law enforcement and other internal/external departments, people, or groups. We can also investigate reports shared with, or made to, us.

About the IID
A Department of fully independent LCN investigators, reporters, and journalists, we actively try to identify community issues and will act on any that are identified via reader-submitted reports and our own intelligence. We can do this in many ways, like: launching independent investigations, joining forces with law enforcement or other agencies, educating, advising, making citizens' arrests and using the appropriate force, offering victims support and advise, exposing the reality of a situation, privately prosecuting the accused, and reporting a crime as a paper or on behalf of our informing source(s), as well as issuing a pre-enforcement warning (either advisory or recorded).
The IID aims to do its upmost to protect the communities that it serves; these are usually in our current focus areas — Sussex, Surrey, and Hampshire — but may also be done throughout the rest of the UK and around the world in accordance with any differing legislation & procedures.

OUR Department
Independent. Trustworthy. Helpful. Reliable. International. Fighting for you and your community!

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Littlehampton-focused Department.