Who is the famous Brighton rapper, and what made him so popular?
Cat sends Christmas tree down
Mayor turns on the Christmas lights with her daughter (video)
'Sail to Santa' event scheduled in West Sussex
Deafening sneeze inside noisy train station makes train passengers 'gasp'
Worthing's Food Festival jammed full of visitors
The Welcome To Littlehampton Show | S01E01
'Fair in the Square' event scheduled in Norfolk Gardens, Littlehampton, UK
Dwayne Hards, LCN's founder: "What I did on my birthday (yesterday)"
This morning's sunset in Littlehampton is looking 'stunning'
Pets: Dwayne's Giant African Land Snails have bred, and laid eggs!
Boy with Autism creates stunning artwork when he was challenged to draw a robotic copy of himself
Littlehampton litter heroes clear The Oyster Pond from rubbish
Trophies awarded to Littlehampton competition members, mayor attended
What is the brightest planet in our solar system?
Chichester poppy field draws hundreds of fascinated visitors
World's first ever disabled astronaut to be hired for the European Space Agency
How many planets are there in our universe?
Autism, and the law: "Autism is no excuse for violence to yourself, property, or others."
7 Year-old Littlehampton artist raises money for a local children's hospice