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Nov 15, 20211 min read
Tons of dead marine life washes up on Littlehampton beach amidst pollution
Tons of marine life has washed up on #Littlehampton beach amidst the English government allowing water companies to pour masses of sewage...

Sep 26, 20211 min read
Chaos at Littlehampton Petrol Station, Cuff Miller, amid petrol panic buyers (yesterday)
Many people were panic buying petrol at a #Littlehampton Petrol Station amid the fear of chemical shortages due to #Brexit. Hundreds of...

Aug 26, 20211 min read
Former US President, Donald Trump, praises Boris Johnson
The former President of the United States of #America has praised prime minister, Boris Johnson, for "superb leadership". Donald Trump...

Aug 21, 20211 min read
Rightly So: Most countries 'laugh' at Boris, the Tories, and "Great" Britain
Many citizens, and leaders of different countries all over the globe have 'laughed' at Boris Johnson, the #Tories, and "Great" #Britain...

Jul 20, 20211 min read
Brexiter sends 'vile' email to the founder of 'SODEM', Steve Bray
Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder, has commented on an email sent to the founder of '#SODEM', he called it "vile". The email reads: "Hi....

May 30, 20211 min read
Boris Johnson admits to breaking international law
Boris Johnson called his law-breaking "absolutely vital to prevent the 'break up' of our country". Mr McAllister said: "The British bill...

Apr 19, 20212 min read
This is why we MUST re-join the European Union, NOW!
According to Brexit was the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union, and the...
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