This Policy applies to all members of our IID Department's team (and any other internal departments) that have agreed to represent, support, or volunteer with the Independent Crime & Investigation Department, IID, (and all other internal departments) and is in place to protect both the public and our team members.

LCN departments' teams can only use the applicable powers granted to the public in the jurisdiction they are in to hold suspects of moral/legal wrongdoing to account. We can do this in many ways, like: issuing verbal/advisory or recorded warnings, requesting the assistance of a constable assisting our departments, working with all involved to achieve a positive outcome, investigating, applying for warrants and even executing them (if a judge permits this), gathering general intelligence, exposing confirmed wrongdoing on our Department's page and/or on LCN, performing citizens' arrests, reporting to law enforcement, or requesting to work with the police and/or other internal/external departments. However, when our team our representing LCN, the IID, or our other departments, they must always try to figure out an outcome more effective than involving the law or the police and should only take things further where absolutely necessary. And, where possible, we will try and work with all involved, publish the result on our news pages, and possibly issue a warning where necessary; where these are broken, we may use our discretion as to whether to enforce the signed agreement (warning) with the sanctions specifically agreed when signed, such as: involving the police, writing about the breach, revoking their right to access our services, or taking no further action either internally or legally.
When our team reasonably suspect that all of the above has failed and a serious crime has possibly been committed or any danger is present, they can use reasonable force to perform a citizen's arrest on the suspect in some jurisdictions — like Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States — if the applicable laws permit the general public to do this in the absence of a police/peace officer/constable. It is our team members' responsibility to follow the law and our policies while issuing warnings, performing citizens' arrests, or gathering evidence or general intelligence, and their unlawful conduct cannot be used against anyone else except those specifically involved in the specific isolated, as we condone this in no-way whatsoever and, where appropriate, will take the necessary action via LCN and/or the necessary internal/external departments.
Any team member that breaches this Policy may be disciplined via a written, recorded, or final warning; a Category 1 Fine not exceeding £25; restricted access to our services; suspension from representing LCN or its departments; a Category 2 Fine not exceeding £75; a Category 3 Fine not exceeding £155; a Category 4 Fine not exceeding £500 to compensate victims for any damages or injuries; or legal action. If the member refuses to accept the sanctions(s), they have the right to take the matter to a court where they may either face higher sanctions or no further action, and the judge(s) will make a decision.
Dwayne Hards — LCN's Founder and Independent Journalist — wrote and authorised this Policy for all team members representing LCN or any of its departments but is mainly in place for the IID, IAD, and VSD. This Policy applies to all departments from 12am on 7 February 2023 until any further reviews are made by the authorised team members.