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Science: What happens when you mix baking soda & vinegar?

Writer: LCN ✅LCN ✅

According to baking soda is sodium bicarbonate (a base) and vinegar is diluted acetic acid. When they react to release the OH and H to become water, they also release carbon dioxide. This makes the reaction bubble and expand, just like when you shake up a can of soda and open it!

This is an easy experiment that is safe to perform at home. To perform this awesome experiment you will need 1 inflatable balloon, malt vinegar, baking soda, test tubes or a flask, and safety goggles, (optional) gloves/mask. To carry out the experiment you will need to put your test tube/flask on a large, clear and tidy table, next you will need to add (advised) 2 teaspoons of baking soda to your balloon, next you will need to add 10-15 mills of vinegar to your flask, now you just need to seal the end of the balloon (tube) around the mouth of your flask, last but not least, now tip the baking soda from the balloon into your flask and watch what will happen.

Safety guidance: Please ensure that the experiment is either performed in an outdoor space, or in a room that you are willing to clean afterwards, if you are under 16 or on someone else's land always ask permission first, if you are under 8 years of age or are considered vulnerable you should be supervised by a trusted adult. Always wear safety goggles. Optional, you may choose to wear a face shield, covering or gloves, note this is not an experiment that requires gloves, shields, masks however if you choose to wear any of this equipment this is fine. Allergies: If you have allergies please read the ingredients on the product label, if you are allergic please do not carry out the experiment.

According to When baking soda is mixed with vinegar, something new is formed. The mixture quickly foams up with carbon dioxide gas. If enough vinegar is used, all of the baking soda can be made to react and disappear into the vinegar solution. ... Sodium bicarbonate and acetic acid reacts to carbon dioxide, water and sodium acetate.


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