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  • Worthing residents enjoy their daily exercise

    Locals — including cyclists and pedestrians — appeared to enjoy their morning walk/bike ride along the seafront earlier this morning. The seafront should be full of locals and visitors later today amid the warm and sunny weather. Walking or cycling is good for your physical and mental health, according to the NHS.

  • 'Stinky' passenger sparks a travel debate

    A male bus passenger - who was described to have "smelled like shit" - has sparked a debate as to whether or not a bus driver should be allowed to refuse unhygienic passengers travel. The 'smelly' man caused many passengers to feel uncomfortable with some even getting off the bus and waiting another hour for the next 9 bus. One argument for bus drivers being allowed to refuse unhygienic passengers travel is that they have the right to do this because unhygienic passengers are putting other passengers off of using the bus services and are, therefore, affecting the bus company and its reputation. However, the argument for bus drivers not being allowed to refuse unhygienic passengers travel is discrimination and bullying. Some passengers said that severely unhygienic members of society are committing antisocial behaviour offences; however, others said it's a mental health matter, not a matter for the police to get involved with. Do you believe a bus driver should be allowed to refuse unhygienic passengers service, or do you believe this to be discrimination? Please email us to tell us what your views are on this.

  • Families set to return to the seaside

    Many Littlehampton families are likely to return to the seaside today amid the return of the nicer and warmer weather. Many families, particularly the children, are looking forward to their return to the beach. Today is expected to be a warm day (read today's weather update here).

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Today is expected to be a warm and sunny day after this morning's clouds have disappeared, according to the Met Office. Today's winds are expected to stay mild. No showers are expected today. Today is expected to be a warm, sunny day with the highest expected temperature being 23°C. Today seems like a great chance to head on down to the seafront. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Residents cancelling plans as showers continue to batter Littlehampton

    Many Littlehampton families have decided to cancel their original plans and stay indoors for the rest of today amid the rainy and cloudy weather. Littlehampton families are making the most out of today's poor weather and are enjoying some quality time with their loved ones instead of being out in the rain and becoming poorly. Many families are watching films or YouTube videos and are enjoying a lazy day. Hardly anyone has visited the seaside today amid the poor weather. Let's hope tomorrow will be a nicer day with families returning to the seafront.

  • Comment & Analysis: The council have just left damaged bus stops to rot

    The responsible council have ignored the town's damaged bus stops and the serious risk of injury to passengers - especially young children - waiting at them despite the council having had more than enough time to fix them. The responsible council needs to get moving and fix the damaged bus stops before someone is seriously injured. Putting caution tape on the damaged bus stops isn't going to stop a small child from injuring themselves — and nor will just ignoring the issue. The council have had more than enough time to fix the damaged bus stops — so why haven't they done so? I, personally, can't see, or think of, a good excuse to justify the council's ignorance of the issue. Not only do the damaged bus stops pose a serious risk of injury to children and vulnerable people, they also give the impression that we don't care about our town or the issues within it. I don't, personally, believe this is fair on our caring and friendly community. Residents have rightly complained about the issue. Sadly, the responsible council didn't seem to take the complaints seriously. What will it take for them to listen — a young child becoming seriously injured as a result of council negligence? Hopefully, we won't have to find out. Hopefully, the responsible council will get up from their asses and fix the damaged bus stops before someone becomes seriously injured as a result of council negligence.

  • Littlehampton bus stops left damaged

    Some of the town's 9, 12, and 700 bus stops have been left damaged for ages and are in need of being repaired. The council have put red and yellow caution tape on the damaged bus stops' windows — but they haven't fixed them. The bus stops have been damaged for months, and the council still haven't fixed them. This has caused many locals to complain. The damaged bus stops are posing a risk of injury to passengers, especially young children. The cause of the damaged bus stops is likely vandals; however, this cannot be confirmed by LCN at this stage. Hopefully, the responsible council will fix the bus stops soon.

  • Edge By The Sea café packed

    The return of the warm summer weather saw dozens of residents and visitors - mostly elderly - flock to the Norfolk Gardens café — Edge By The Sea — yesterday afternoon. The café's visitors appeared to enjoy their refreshments yesterday afternoon. The café probably won't be busy today amid the cloudy and rainy weather.

  • Littlehampton seaside jammed

    The return of the warm and sunny weather saw hundreds of beachgoers flock to the seaside yesterday afternoon. Beachgoers stopped for a bite to eat at some of the town's small businesses. They appeared to enjoy their refreshments. The seafront's visitors appeared to enjoy their visit yesterday afternoon. It doesn't seem like the seafront will be busy today amid the poor weather.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Today is expected to be a rainy and cloudy day, according to the Met Office. Today's winds should be light. Today is expected to be a cloudy day with consistent showers. Today is, however, expected to be a warm day with the highest expected temperature being 23°C. The weather may improve later today. Today is not the best time to visit the seaside. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Today will be a warm and sunny day, according to the Met Office. Today is expected to be a mostly clear day after this morning's clouds have disappeared. No rain is expected today, and no strong winds are expected today. Today is expected to be a warm and sunny day with the highest expected temperature being 23°C. Today seems like a great chance to visit the seaside amid the warm and sunny weather. Tonight is expected to be a warm night with the lowest expected temperature being 7°C. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Today is expected to be a clear and sunny day, according to the Met Office. Today is expected to be a warm day with no strong winds or showers. Hardly any clouds are expected today. Today is expected to be a warm day with the highest expected temperature being 21°C. Today seems like the perfect opportunity to visit the seafront. Tonight is expected to be a warm night with the lowest expected temperature being 8°C. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Today is likely to be a cloudy and rainy day, according to the Met Office. Today is reported to be a rainy and cloudy day with consistent showers. Today should, however, be warm with sunshine possible later this afternoon. The highest temperature Littlehampton may reach today is 18°C. This means today should be a warm day. Today is not the best time to visit the seaside amid the poor weather. The weather is expected to improve overnight with any rain or showers coming to an end tonight. Tonight's lowest expected temperature is 5°C. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • UK bus companies face a shortage of drivers

    Bus operators across the country — including Stagecoach — are losing many of their drivers and job applicants, according to a Stagecoach employee. Many UK bus drivers are quitting their jobs to, instead, work as HGV drivers amid a shortage of lorry drivers — which was mostly caused by Brexit. The main reason many bus drivers are becoming HGV drivers is because they are being promised better pay, not because they want to help with the issue. Only two out of ten job applicants - who applied to become bus drivers - showed up to their interviews, according to a Stagecoach employee. The main reason for this is, of course, better pay. The issue is causing UK bus operators to run less frequent bus services and less convenient routes amid the shortage of drivers. "Thanks Brexit," said Steve Bray, a pro-European activist.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Today is expected to be a warm and sunny day after this morning's clouds have disappeared, according to the Met Office. Any showers are expected to come to an end later this morning. Clouds are also expected to clear later this morning. Today's winds are expected to be light. The highest temperature Littlehampton is expected to reach today is 21°C, meaning today should be a warm day. If you wish to visit the seaside today, you should probably go later this morning if you prefer nicer weather. Tonight is expected to be a cool and rainy night with the lowest expected temperature being 10°C. Tonight's winds are expected to be mild. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Today is expected to be a mostly cloudy and warm day with plenty of sunshine, according to the Met Office. No showers are expected today. Today's winds are expected to stay light. The highest temperature Littlehampton is expected to reach today is 23°C, meaning today should be a warm day. Today seems like the perfect opportunity to visit the seaside. Tonight is expected to be a warm night with the lowest expected temperature being 10°C. Stronger winds are also possible tonight. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Life: Plane spotters make the most out of today

    The return of the warm and sunny weather has seen many plane spotters head outside to spot and photograph aeroplanes earlier this morning. Over the past few days, plane spotters have been unable to see aeroplanes in the sky amid the poor and cloudy weather. Many plane spotters have resumed their hobby today amid the return of the clear and sunny weather. I, Dwayne Hards, enjoy taking photos of aeroplanes from my back garden. I can do this because I have good photography skills and a good camera. Today seems like the perfect opportunity to enjoy plane spotting. Hopefully, the weather will be nice over the next few weeks.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Today is expected to be a bright sunny day with no clouds or showers, according to the Met Office. Most of this morning's clouds have now faded away, I have noticed. No showers or strong winds are expected today. The highest temperature Littlehampton is expected to reach today is 21°C, meaning today should be a warm and sunny day. Today seems like the perfect opportunity to visit the seaside. Tonight is expected to be a cold night with the lowest expected temperature being just 1°C. However, fortunately, no strong winds are expected tonight. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Littlehampton Oyster Pond packed

    The warm weather saw dozens of visitors and residents flock to the Oyster Pond earlier this afternoon. The Oyster Pond's visitors appeared to enjoy their time out.

  • Life: I went to Gatwick Airport

    I — Dwayne Hards, LCN's Founder — went to Gatwick Airport last Tuesday to photograph and spot aeroplanes, and I really enjoyed my visit. When I visited Gatwick Airport, no-one seemed to be judgemental. The Airport's staff were also friendly, professional, and polite. The Airport seemed quite relaxed in general because their staff didn't bother me when I was taking pictures of planes, and they didn't seem too uptight about terrorism; in actual fact, Tesco stores' employees seem to be more worried about their customers (and ex-customers) not wearing masks than an airport does about the high risk of terrorism, I have noticed. I managed to get some stunning photos of aeroplanes at Gatwick Airport. If you would like to see some, or all, of these, please do not hesitate to email LCN. The only issue I have noticed with airports — including Gatwick and Heathrow — is their expensive prices. For example, my small lunch from Gatwick's M&S store — including a large packet of crisps, a small bottle of flavoured lemonade, and a packet of chocolate buttons — cost my educational budget around £12.55. But, as this was a one-off treat, this didn't affect my educational budget too much. Hopefully, I will visit visit Gatwick Airport again soon so that I can get some more amazing photos of the planes taking off and taxiing on the runway. On my way back from the Airport, I was excitedly talking to my tutor about a boy that I like (I`m gay). I would like to thank my tutor for taking me out for the day (Tuesday, 3 May 2022).

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Today is expected to be a cloudy day with a high chance of showers, according to the Met Office. Showers are expected at some point this afternoon, and clouds are expected to remain for most of the morning. This morning's clouds may fade away later today. No strong winds are expected today. The highest temperature Littlehampton may reach today is 20°C. Today is not the best of times to visit the seafront amid the poor weather. Tonight is expected to be a cool night with the lowest expected temperature being 6°C. Showers aren't expected tonight. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Today is expected to be a hot and sunny day after this morning's fog has disappeared, according to the Met Office. Today should be a clear and warm day with the highest expected temperature being 22°C. No showers are expected today. No strong winds are expected today. Today seems like the perfect opportunity to visit the seaside. Tonight is expected to be a warm night with the lowest expected temperature being 10°C. This means that tonight should be warmer than most others. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Today is expected to be a warm and sunny day after this morning's clouds have disappeared, according to the Met Office. No showers/heavy winds are expected today. The highest temperature Littlehampton may reach today is 21°C, meaning today should be a warm, clear, and sunny day. Today seems like the perfect opportunity to visit the seaside. Tonight is expected to be a warm night with the lowest expected temperature being 7°C. No showers/strong winds are expected tonight. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Today is expected to be a cloudy and rainy day with consistent showers, according to the Met Office. There is a fifty-fifty chance of storms later today. Showers are also expected to be persistent for most of today. Hale is expected to batter the town at some point today. Today's winds are, however, expected to be light despite the possibility of thunder. Today is expected to be a hotter day with the highest temperature being 18°C. Today is not the best chance to visit the seaside amid the poor and unpredictable weather. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Today is expected to be a mostly cloudy day with consistent showers expected this afternoon, according to the Met Office. There is a fifty-fifty chance of fog at some point today. Light winds are expected today. The highest temperature the town may reach today is 17°C. Today is not the best of times to visit the seafront. The weather is expected to improve overnight with the lowest expected temperature being 6°C. Light winds are also expected tonight. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Clouds are expected to clear later this morning, according to the Met Office. Today is expected to be a clear and sunny day after this morning's clouds have cleared. There is a slim chance of the occasional shower today; however, this is highly unlikely. Today is expected to be mildly breezy, especially along the coast. No strong winds are expected today. The highest temperature Littlehampton may reach today is 16°C. Tonight is expected to be a cloudy night with a high chance of showers. There is also a high chance of strong winds tonight. The lowest temperature Littlehampton may reach tonight is 8°C. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Today is expected to be a cloudy day with rain and constant showers, according to the Met Office. Today is expected to be a breezy day, especially along the coast. Showers are expected to come and go for most of today. Today's highest expected temperature is 16°C. Today is not the best opportunity to visit the seaside; however, you should still do your daily exercise whether it's raining or not. Walking is good for your physical and mental health, according to the NHS. Tonight is expected to be a cloudy and rainy night with the minimum temperature being 7°C. Tonight is, however, expected to be warmer than most other nights. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Runners flock to Littlehampton

    Endless crowds of parkrun volunteers took to the seafront earlier this morning to take part in their weekly run. The runners came from all over the country, and they appeared to enjoy their 9am run along the promenade.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Today is expected to be a warm and clear day with the highest temperature being 17°C, according to the Met Office. Clouds are expected to clear later this morning. Today should be a clear day. Today is expected to be a mildly windy day. Today seems like a great opportunity to visit the seaside. Tonight is expected to be one of the year's coldest nights with the lowest temperature being just 1°C. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Fewer planes seen flying across Littlehampton

    Hardly any aeroplanes were flying over Littlehampton earlier this morning, according to Flightrader24. I am a local plane spotter, and I couldn't see many aeroplanes flying over the town earlier this morning. On most days, dozens of planes fly over the town in the morning and afternoon. The few planes that did fly over Littlehampton this morning were mainly easyJet and Vueling. Hopefully, more aeroplanes will fly over the town today.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Today is expected to be a mostly clear day with the highest temperature being 14°C, according to the Met Office. Today is expected to be a warm and clear day with hardly any clouds expected. Light winds are, however, expected to last for most of today. Today seems like a great opportunity to visit the seaside. Tonight is expected to be a freezing cold night with the lowest temperature being just 2°C. Strong winds are also expected to last for most of the night. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Comment & Analysis: Why do some people deny climate change and COVID-19?

    Some people are denying the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate crisis despite most of the world's experts confirming that these are real issues that affect all of us. Most, if not all, experts across the world have confirmed that climate change and COVID-19 are real issues that affect all of us; however, this doesn't stop a small percentage of people from denying the issues. I don't understand how people could seriously believe that each and every expert is giving us "fake" data and lying to us and even their own families. If this was true, then someone would have leaked the "big secret" by now. The root cause of misinformation is mostly political extremists; for example, UKIP, conspiracy theorists, and far-left and far-right activists. This is why these groups are unpopular, not because most people are "woke" or "asleep". Scientific data and research has proven both climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic to be two real issues that affect anyone living on this planet, including: me, you, and everyone else. This is why I feel that politicising health and climate issues is wrong. If these issues are made political, then people are far less likely to care or trust the experts. Politicisation of these issues also makes experts' job to deliver accurate information to the world more difficult. Climate change and COVID-19 is no-one's fault, so no-one should be blamed or punished for them; instead, we should work together to tackle them. You can do your part by just respecting yourself and others.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Today is expected to be a warm day with a few clouds this morning, according to the Met Office. Most of this morning's clouds are expected to disappear later on. No rain is expected today. Today may be windy at times, especially along the coast. The highest temperature Littlehampton may reach today is 16°C. Today seems like a great opportunity to visit the seaside. Tonight is expected to be a cold and windy night with the lowest temperature being just 3°C. Frosts are expected tonight. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Drivers confused after traffic lights stop working

    Temporary traffic lights - next to the Oyster Pond - were suddenly stuck on red, causing Littlehampton drivers to feel confused. The incident happened at around 13:20pm this afternoon. The temporary lights were in place because Southern Water were working on underground gas or water pipes. A driver stopped at the scene, and he directed traffic to continue driving amid the lights' technical fault. He also moved the lights so that drivers didn't see them on red; however, drivers were still cautious when they were driving past the lights. One "twat" did, however, stop his van in the middle of the road (the sharp turn with the faulty lights) just to empty his Fanta can despite the danger this posed to himself and other road users. The lights were Southern Water's responsibility, according to a West Sussex County Council call handler. This meant that the County Council were unable to sort the issue out; instead, Southern Water had to fix or move the lights. Previously, Southern Water dumped raw and untreated sewage into our ocean. It seems like the company are incompetent, according to some West Sussex residents. Hopefully, Southern Water have now fixed, moved, or removed the temporary traffic lights.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Today is expected to be a cloudy day with a fifty-fifty chance of showers, according to the Met Office. There is a high chance of some sunny weather later today. The highest temperature Littlehampton may reach today is 15°C. Today is also likely to be a windy day, especially on the beach. Today is not the best of times to visit the seaside. Tonight is expected to be a cold night with the lowest expected temperature being just 3°C. Showers are also likely tonight. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Today is expected to be a mostly clear and sunny day, according to the Met Office. The weather may get cloudier later today with a fifty-fifty chance of showers. Today is, however, expected to be a warm and mostly sunny day with the highest temperature being 16°C. This morning seems like the best chance to visit the seaside. Tonight is expected to be a dry but cold night with the lowest temperature being just 3°C. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Passengers left shocked after bus narrowly avoided crashing

    Stagecoach passengers - who were travelling through Bognor Regis on the 700 Chichester bus - were heard gasping in shock after their bus avoided crashing into a small truck. The incident happened at around 11:30am this morning on a roundabout near Hotham Park in Bognor Regis, West Sussex. The bus driver failed to give way to a small truck on the roundabout nearest to Butlins, and this almost caused a crash; however, the bus driver and the truck driver managed to slam their brakes in time, avoiding a potentially serious collision. Passengers were heard gasping and panicking, and the bus driver checked on his passengers to make sure they were not injured or in shock. The incident appeared to be caused by the bus driver; however, his passengers did not believe he was driving dangerously, adding that the driver made a genuine mistake. In future, the bus driver does, however, need to be more careful and attentive on the roads, especially when he's driving on roundabouts. Hopefully, incidents like this will not happen again anytime soon.

  • Stagecoach bus passengers complain about strong smells

    Stagecoach bus passengers - who were travelling through Yapton on the 700 Chichester bus at around 11am this morning - were heard complaining about the Yapton farms' bad odours. The strong odours are caused by farmers' animal/plant waste. These smells are, however, causing passengers travelling through Yapton, West Sussex, to complain. A majority of the complaining passengers are elderly people, according to a Stagecoach bus passenger. Complaining is pointless because there is hardly anything local bus operators can do about the odours; however, this doesn't seem to stop some people from complaining. Passengers could be heard discussing the smells earlier this morning with only a small minority of them complaining.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Today is expected to be mostly sunny with a only few clouds this morning and a fifty-fifty chance of the odd shower, according to the Met Office. Today is expected to be a warm day with the the maximum temperature being 17°C, meaning today should be a nice day. Winds are also expected today, especially along the beach. Today seems like the perfect opportunity to visit the seaside. Tonight is expected to be a cold night with the lowest expected temperature being -1°C. Frosts are also expected tonight. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Teacher's view on what time kids' bedtimes should be

    A UK teacher - Stacy - has encouraged parents to send their kids to bed at the right time, sparking a parenting debate on social media. The Wilson Elementary School teacher has released a chart on what time she feels children should be in their beds; however, some parents and their kids are arguing about the teacher's chart on social media, accusing her of "interfering with parenting". Teacher Stacy has urged parents to send their children to bed at the right time for their age; for example, she said 7-year-old boys and girls should be in bed at around 20:15pm if they need to get up at 7 o'clock in the morning. Some parents have snapped at the teacher and her chart on social media, calling it a "joke". Do you agree with the teacher's bedtime chart, or do you think it's a "joke"? Please let us know your thoughts and comments by emailing us or messaging our page.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Today is expected to be. a warm and sunny day, according to the Met Office. No rain is expected today. Mild gusts of wind are expected to last for most of today, especially along the seafront. Today should be warm with the highest expected temperature being 20°C. Today seems like a great day to visit the seaside. There is a fifty-fifty chance of showers hitting the town tonight. Tonight's lowest expected temperature is 3°C. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • UK supermarkets stop customers from buying too much oil

    Some of the UK's supermarkets are restricting how much cooking oil customers may purchase amid Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Most of the cooking oils that we and many other countries use are made in Ukraine. Ukraine is struggling to ship oils to the rest of the world amid Putin's invasion, meaning some supermarkets are limiting the amount of oil that their customers may purchase. This is to ensure that every customer can purchase oil, according to Morrison's. Putin's invasion of Ukraine is posing a serious risk of food shortages to the rest of the world. This is because Ukraine supplies most of the world with their food and drink.

  • Plane spotters struggle to see planes in Littlehampton

    This morning's thick grey clouds were stopping people - including plane spotters - from viewing or photographing aeroplanes. Plane spotters were able to see planes again for the rest of today after this morning's clouds cleared at around 11am. Cloudy weather is a kick in the teeth for those who enjoy plane spotting because, when the skies are full of clouds, aeroplanes can't usually be seen flying in the sky.

  • Littlehampton seafront busy today

    Today's warmer weather saw dozens of beachgoers - mostly elderly - flock to the seafront earlier this afternoon. Those who visited the seafront appeared to enjoy their afternoon walk/visit.

  • Here's what time the Littlehampton seafront becomes busy

    On a nice day, the seafront usually becomes busier at around 10:30am as this is when most of the shops and kiosks open. Most people begin packing up and leaving the seafront at around 4pm as this is when most of the local businesses shut. During bad weather, the seafront doesn't usually have many visitors. However, on nicer days, the seafront usually has hundreds/thousands of visitors who come from all across the country/world. The Littlehampton seafront's least busy time is obviously night. However, Brighton Beach is usually packed at night as many clubs and bars are open to adults who enjoy clubbing and nights out. Brighton is the perfect place to do this, according to the people and visitors of Brighton & Hove. When you visit the seafront, please support our local businesses. Doing this will help them in their recovery.

  • Littlehampton: Today's weather update

    Today is expected to be a clear and sunny day after this morning's clouds have cleared, according to the Met Office. Today is expected to be a warm and sunny day. The highest expected temperature the town may reach today is 19°C. Today is also expected to be windy, especially along the seafront. No rain is expected today. Today seems like the perfect opportunity to visit the seafront. Tonight is expected to be a cool and dry night with the lowest expected temperature being 6°C. I would like to thank the Met Office for their information which helped me write this article.

  • Comment & Analysis: Here's why "woke" is a stupid "argument"

    "Woke" is a word which is mainly used by right-wing extremists who aren't capable of giving a strong or valid argument. The word "woke" is usually used by right-wing political extremists and conspiracy theorists when they are questioned about the misinformation or hatred that they are spreading. "Woke" is now being used as an "insult" against anyone who isn't a racist or a bully despite the word meaning awake, well-informed, or socially alert to injustice, according to most UK dictionaries. In other words, the people who use the word are claiming to be fast asleep or unable to tolerate diversity or different opinions to theirs. Perhaps these right-wing conspiracy theorists and extremists should get a life and learn how to give a strong and smart argument without using the word "woke" because more people would listen to them if they did this; however, they seem to be too stupid to understand this, so they're highly unlikely to give a strong argument anytime soon. In fact, I don't even think they're capable of doing this because they don't often have an argument to give, and even when they do have an argument, it's usually weak and easy to destroy in less than a minute. Using the word "woke" instead of giving an argument is easy, and anyone can do it; however, not everyone can give a strong argument, so people are more likely to listen to those who give a strong, mature, and sensible argument rather than those who scream "woke" at their audiences. "Woke" is a compliment to people who are awake and alert to injustice, not an insult towards left-wingers.

  • Comment & Analysis: PoliticsJOE must stop kissing Keir Starmer's ass immediately

    It seems like YouTube Channel PoliticsJOE is writing their headlines in a way which is intended to make Keir Starmer out to be a "hero saving Britain" when he's clearly not. The YouTube Channel has recently been writing their video titles in a way which is clearly them kissing Keir Starmer's ass; for example, one of their headlines read: "Keir Starmer slams Boris and calls him a liar". Another read: "Keir Starmer slams Boris over lockdown parties". PoliticsJOE must stop kissing Keir Starmer's ass if they want to keep their viewers. I don't understand why anyone would kiss Keir Starmer/Ed Davey's ass when they have offered little opposition to the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson; for example, Keir Starmer has backed the Conservatives' tyrannical lockdowns, and he has also backed, or voted for, most of the Tories' unethical "rules" except Brexit. I don't understand how anyone could love Keir Starmer but completely hate Boris when they're both so similar in many ways. I don't kiss anyone's ass, and I tell everyone the way it is. This is why I'm not happy with the PoliticsJOE Channel kissing Starmer's ass and justifying his Labour MPs. Plus, I just don't understand why anyone would kiss his or Boris's ass.

  • Comment & Analysis: I'm attracted to boys

    I - Dwayne Hards - am a gay 14-year-old chavvy boy, and I'm proud to admit it. I discovered that I was gay a few years ago and that I only have feelings for boys, not girls. I have told most of the people who I have met down here, and they didn't judge me; instead, they were understanding and supportive of who I am. I have found my hometown — Littlehampton, West Sussex — to be accepting and understanding of my sexuality, and I'm happy to live somewhere where I'm not judged or bullied for who I am. If someone bullies me because of my sexuality, I will just tell them to fuck off; however, this hasn't happened yet, and I don't think it's likely to either. After all, we do live right next to the gay capital — Brighton, East Sussex. I have always been open about my sexuality, and most people have been accepting of who I am. It would be nice to hang out with teenagers my age in Littlehampton, and I'm hoping this will happen soon. I moved to Littlehampton about a year ago (December 2020). I would like to thank the people and visitors of West and East Sussex for being accepting of who I am.

  • British Airways resume flying over Littlehampton

    Pilots are now flying their British Airways aeroplanes across Littlehampton - West Sussex - again, according to Flightrader24. Previously, pilots were not flying over Littlehampton; instead, they were turning off at Portsmouth Harbour to get to Heathrow Airport. However, they have now resumed flying over Littlehampton, meaning I can continue with my hobby — plane spotting. There still aren't many British Airways aeroplanes flying across Littlehampton; however, there are more of them flying across the town now than there were before. Smaller easyJet aeroplanes and small private planes are the ones that I see most of the time.

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