Crossing a level crossing when the lights begin to flash amber can be a fatal mistake.

Over the past few years, a small minority of adults and children have been climbing over level crossings' barriers and thinking they're being "cool". However, they probably won't think it's "cool" if they're either in a hospital bed or under the wheels of a train.
Many people have lost their lives on level crossings, particularly those who were crossing dangerously.
Not only are those who ignore level crossings' signals at a serious risk of being hurt, the train driver and their passengers are also at risk of developing mental health issues — for example, PTSD, stress, or other lifelong conditions — after seeing the person get run down. This isn't fair on the innocent train drivers or their victims' families, according to Network Rail and most of the UK.
Remember that level crossings are not playgrounds and to always cross them safely and only when their lights are green. If the lights are amber, just wait whether you're on foot or in a vehicle.