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Dwayne Hards✅
Oct 30, 20212 min read
History: Who is 'Guy Fawkes' and some interesting facts about Bonfire Night
Bonfire Night has been celebrated in Great #Britain for a stunning 414 years. Bonfire Night was celebrated since 1605. Members of the...

Dwayne Hards✅
Oct 22, 20211 min read
Statistics show an alarming percentage of adults who have experienced sexual assault
The statistics in relation to the percentage of adults aged 16 to 74 who have fallen victim to both sexual assault and attempts has...

Aug 25, 20211 min read
Why do teenagers smoke drugs, or tobacco?
Many teenagers across Great #Britain smoke either drugs, or tobacco, but why? Most of the teenagers who smoke drugs, and/or tobacco do so...

Aug 21, 20211 min read
Rightly So: Most countries 'laugh' at Boris, the Tories, and "Great" Britain
Many citizens, and leaders of different countries all over the globe have 'laughed' at Boris Johnson, the #Tories, and "Great" #Britain...

Jul 26, 20211 min read
Woman brutally beaten in Hyde Park, London, for criticising Islam
A woman in Hyde Park, #London, has been brutally beaten, and stabbed for criticising Islam in a protest. The lady was expressing her...

May 20, 20211 min read
Dwayne Hards slams Piers Corbyn after hateful royal family comment 'it is pure evil, and disgusting'
Dwayne Hards is feeling 'disgusted' after Piers Corbyn made a comment stating "F&!# the Royal Family I Hate them!". Dwayne Hards (#LCN...

May 14, 20211 min read
UK: Is parking on the pavement illegal?
#Parking on the #pavement is one of the most common #community nuisances in Great #Britain, however, is parking on the kerb against the...

Nov 8, 20201 min read
In remembrance of the brave army for Remembrance Day
My name is Dwayne and I would like to thank every soldier and army official in the #UK for your amazing bravery! In honour of those who...
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