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All about Mars! Here are some fascinating facts about planet Mars

#Mars is an incredibly fascinating planet because Mars has a wide variety of ginormous volcanoes, mysterious clouds, potential aliens, and canyons, as well as being most commonly known for the 'Roman God Of War'.

There is a possibility of tourists being able to visit planet Mars in the unforeseeable future because #NASA is working on sending humans to Mars by 2030, however, there must be safety measures in place to ensure the safety, and comfort of the people on their mission.

There are some safety hazards which will need to be addressed, including: radiation, noxious soil, a lack of water, lower gravity, and new/unknown diseases, parasites, and microbes that could make us sick, and other people/animals/environment if we bring those back to Earth.

(Cc) NASA.

There is a helicopter which flies on Mars called 'The Mars Exploration Rover'. The aircraft satisfyingly managed to hover over planet Mars for an astonishing forty seconds. The #MER managed to take-off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, #Florida on #July, 30th, 2020, and landed on Mars on #February, 18, 2021.

(Cc) NASA.

There are most likely microscopic aliens on planet Mars because bacteria, parasites, and microbes are everywhere in space. However, it would be a huge, and dangerous risk to bring these microbes back from Mars to #Earth because these would be an invasive/new species which could do people, animals, and the environment, as well as the planet some serious danger, and could cause an outbreak, or pandemic.

Dwayne Hards (#LCN Founder/#Leader) said: "I do believe in aliens because there must be life on every planet of some form. I love space, nature, and planets. I hope we can meet new aliens soon!"

On most planets, there is life of some form, therefor, aliens may exist.


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