A Stagecoach bus driver decided not to move his bus until a seemingly agitated male — who allegedly intimidated the bus driver and his passengers — left the 700 Littlehampton bus, which departed from Brighton/Worthing Pier.

The incident happened in Rustington, West Sussex, at around 17:45pm.
Many passengers decided to switch to the 9 Arundel bus; some even walked to their destinations instead of using the 9/700 bus.
At this stage, no-one is believed to have been injured by the male. However, the incident has caused other passengers to feel distressed.
Despite the man's allegedly difficult behaviour, the seemingly calm bus driver handled the situation quite well.
Those who witnessed the incident can email Littlehampton Community News to help us find more information about what happened. If necessary, we can forward your information to Stagecoach South (with your consent).