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Angry neighbours hound paedophile, his girlfriend and dog from their east Hull council House Humbers

Angry neighbours forced a paedophile and his "girlfriend" out of their council home for the second time this week.

Video footage shows Humberside Police officers chaperoning the man, a woman believed to be his girlfriend and a dog from a property in Medina Road, Longhill, on Friday evening.

Hull Live understands the man shown getting in to a police car is a convicted sex offender jailed for three and a half years for a string of sexual offences in Hull.

One eyewitness said: "This has caused major upset on the Longhill estate. Groups of people have gathered and are shouting abuse through the letter box. People are very angry."

Only 48 hours before, on Wednesday night, police had been called to a property in Massey Close where the man had previously been housed by Hull City Council.

There had been tension in the street ever since paedophile hunters tracked the sex offender down and revealed where he lived.

Police escort a man from a property in Medina Road, Longhill

The anger resulted in criminal damage to the property where the man was housed, with offensive graffiti was been scrawled on the boarded-up window and front door of his former home.

Speaking on Thursday, neighbour Stacy Carter said: “The police were around last night and this morning.

"One of the windows has been smashed in the paedophile’s home and now someone has scrawled n**** on the boarded up window and door.

“There are families with babies and young children living here who are now very worried.

“We want to know why they have put a paedo so close to two schools. He can see the academy from his kitchen window.”

Another neighbour said: “The police told me I shouldn’t judge people on their previous offences but what am I supposed to think?

“He should be moved out of Hull altogether and into an area where he is not known.

“He should be tagged and police should make residents aware of who he is.”

It appears the man had been moved on following the vigilante group’s public exposé of his crimes and address.

However, his new location was soon revealed again by the same group sparking indignation from residents in Longhill and resulting in police attending the street.

The footage shows the man being shown into the back of a police car and a woman from the property getting in to a police van.

On Thursday, a Hull city council spokeswoman said: “We and the police are aware of the local action that has been taken against this tenant.

“Local authorities have a duty to provide accommodation for ex-offenders and there are very strict regulations in place regarding this. “No property would be allocated without these strict criteria being met. “Ex-prisoners live in all communities and if they are to be successfully rehabilitated they need to live a life free from harassment or threat of illegal action.”

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