Carrying a knife or bladed article is a criminal offense across the whole of the United Kingdom and the consequences can be very serious for offenders caught with a blade.

The number of deaths caused by knife crime every day in the United Kingdom has sparked intense fear in many members of the public because knives have destroyed many lives.
If you are caught with a knife, you can be sentenced for up to four years imprisonment, face an unlimited fine, and will receive a criminal record.
If you carry a knife, you risk being stabbed with your own weapon because when you take your knife out and point it at your opponent, they may take it away from you and use it against you.
Suzanne Hedges, a mum of a now dead celebrity bodyguard, Ricky Hayden, has urged knife-carriers to 'ditch their knives because knives destroy lives'.
Suzanne is 'devastated' at the loss of her son since she received 'the most disturbing call of her life' 7 minutes after her son was stabbed to death.
Tommy Roome, Ricky's killer, was sentenced to fourteen years imprisonment for manslaughter.