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Children loved Armed Forces Day — and so did their parents

Writer: Dwayne Hards✅Dwayne Hards✅

The children of Littlehampton seemed to enjoy the Town Council's Armed Forces Day event, which took place in Littlehampton on Saturday, 25 June 2022.

Image of a small military aeroplane.
Copyright: Dwayne Hards.

Soldiers were showing the children of Littlehampton what equipment the Army use, or have used, when fighting for our country. The children seemed quite interested in the soldiers' equipment. They also seemed to enjoy engaging with the cadets/soldiers.

Soldiers supervised local children while they safely climbed onto a display-only aeroplane. The children stood on the plane's wings, and their parents took some seemingly-nice photos of them having fun with the soldiers/cadets.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the Armed Forces Day Event, particularly the younger children and their parents.

Given everything our Army have done for us and our country, please show them some well-deserved respect by simply saying thank you on your favourite/most-used social media websites, such as: Facebook and Twitter. The Army will appreciate this — and so will most people who happen to come across it. Remember to tag the British Army in your post, as they'll be more likely to see it if you tag them.


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