The UK Government is threating drivers with fines for something as simple as driving into a bus lane to give way to an emergency service vehicle.

Councils are being given authoritarian and unfair powers to fine drivers when they're doing the right thing; for example, running a red light to make room for an emergency vehicle or entering a bus lane so that the emergency vehicle can pass. Giving councils these powers is a stupid idea, as some drivers will refuse to move for emergency vehicles so that they don't get slapped with a £100 fine, and this may result in many deaths.
While I agree that drivers should be safe when letting an emergency vehicle pass, I don't see how it's "unsafe" to drive into a bus lane so that the vehicle can pass; in actual fact, it's more unsafe not to drive into a bus lane when there's an emergency vehicle behind you.
The Government needs to be stopped, as they're becoming too powerful. We live in a free country, not a fascist state.