Dwayne Hards has said if freedom continues to remain a threat to humanity, then he'll "have to step in".

Dwayne's aim is to educate the uneducated, give children the right to 'roam', to hold bad drivers to account, to give children more liberal freedom, hold the #Conservatives to account for the unlawful Covid-19 regulations, to hold overzealous parents to account for privacy intrusion, and to make it a specific crime to ground children, as well as giving children the right to vote.
Dwayne said: "I feel I may have to step in soon if freedom continues to threaten the #British public, especially children."
"I wish for teenagers, and children to enjoy more liberal freedom, except in mitigating circumstances."
"I believe parents are to trigger-happy with authority, control, and suppression. I do not believe parents have the right to force their children to do ANYTHING, so I vow to take action on behalf of their freedoms."
"Parents are making things that their children clearly don't want to do 'mandatory', and this has to stop because this can cause an imbalance of trust between parents, and their children, which will cause more problems later on, as well as mandates threatening their liberal freedoms."
"I wish to educate over-authoritative parents on how to become more liberal, freedom-friendly, and fair."
"I believe confiscating a child's phone is a violation of their right to privacy, unless they have reasonable suspicion that their child is in danger, however, this should only be done as a last resort, as this can cause an imbalance of trust."
Dwayne vows to expose overzealous parents through #LCN's newspaper, and website.
Dwayne also vows to petition for children to receive more liberal freedoms than ever before, especially teenagers.
"If I start my political party to protect teenagers right to roam freely without being monitored by their parents, I will need any freedom-wanting teens to sign my petitions on change.org."
"I vow to reform parents whom are controlling, and to educate them to become better parents, and if necessary, hold them to account in the UK's courts, or international/European courts."
"Freedom is a fundamental human right, and my 'Freedom Party' will make grounding a child a crime, as well as 'snooping' on your teen(s)."
"Your childhood, your freedom. TAKE IT BACK!"