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Dwayne Hards: 'How to get revenge on a school bully'

#Bullying comes in many different forms, these may include, but are not limited to: physical/mental, or emotional abuse, or suffering, unprovoked humiliation, making false accusations in a plea to destroy your reputation, blackmailing you, threatening you, stealing from you, or treating you badly, as well as other things.

But, did you know that you can actually get some great, simple, and easy revenge on your attacker/bully? Here's how!

  1. Take civil, or criminal legal action against your bully, has your bully physically, or emotionally harmed you in any way (e.g. hit/shoved you, or made false accusations against you) if so, you may file a lawsuit against them, however, you may lose the lawsuit, so always ask a trustworthy solicitor before you proceed a legal challenge against them.

  2. Grass on them, does your bully do things wrong, if so, then record/collect any evidence of their wrongdoing (including the damages you suffered from them), and write a blog/book, or article with all of the evidence which you have collected to use against them. Even better, you can also advertise the evidence (public humiliation).

  3. Ignore them, 99.7% of the time, all bullies want is a reaction from you, if you don't give them the attention they are desperate for, this will annoy them more.

  4. Report them, if your bully does something against the 'school rules', report them to the principle, if they do not take action, post the incident online (ideally with proof), depending on your school, they may possibly resolve the issue if their reputation is at stake.

  5. Publicly shame them, if you can, schedule them to meet you in ANY crowded public place, and name what they did (even your school's cafeteria), you could film the situation, and post it online if you wish in order to shame the bully.

  6. Do not let it effect you, if you are bullied, the bullies bullying you often want you to feel like them (low/down), whereas, if you don't give in, and refuse to feel like them, then they may realise that your no easy target, and may leave you alone.

  7. Call the police, if your bully has broken a criminal law, and you cannot afford/are not capable of filing a civil/criminal lawsuit yourself, the police should act on your behalf, and deal with your bully as a criminal, however, quite often, not much actually happens, so be prepared for them just to be 'ticked off'. Be sure to check your countries rules, laws, and legislation, and if you think your bully has broken the law, do not hesitate to report them to the #police in your country.

  8. Refuse to help them if they ask, if the bully(s) criticise you for "not helping properly", just walk off, and leave them to do it, they will soon regret it.

  9. Do not break the law when dishing out your revenge, if you break the law, you may find yourself in civil, or criminal court because your bully may take action against you regardless of whether you are right, or wrong.

  10. Point the facts/truth out, 'always stand up for what is right, even if you stand alone', if you speak the truth, you may become that one person that no-one wants to mess with in fear of being 'outsmarted/roasted', and as a result, you could defend others as well.

  11. Respond with humour, if your bully insults you, use a smart comeback, for example, if a bully says "screw you, you are a loner!", say in response, "I know you are", or "don't talk about yourself like that, it's not kind". Stay #positive!

Note: This is a guide only, every situation is different, always think carefully about your revenge as if you get it wrong, it could backfire, and make the situation even worse for you. Use common sense, and personal discretion before striking back. Because for example, calling the police may only aggravate the situation, and subject you to even more bullying. Whereas publicly shaming them, or suing them may have a greater impact.

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