Calling the emergency number, 999, or 112, when there is a genuine emergency is crucial, however, many people dial the wrong number when they could have simply called (for example) 101, or 111. Some even hoax call emergency hotlines.

Hoax calling emergency services is incredibly dangerous because you are taking a call away from a potential real emergency, and the person who actually needs police, coastguard, fire, or ambulance is likely to receive a delayed response.
Calling 999, or 112 to play a prank, make a hoax call, or having no reasonable excuse for dialling the emergency number is a criminal offense, and could land offenders in some quite serious trouble. Offenders may receive up to six months in prison, and/or receive a £5, 000 fine.
Cambridgeshire Constabulary said: "How would you feel if a member of your family was unable to get the help they required because the police, fire, or ambulance services had been called away on a hoax call?"
The general rule is, if you feel yours, or someone else's property, safety, or welfare, as well as health is in an immediate risk of harm, or there is any immediate danger, it is best to call 999. However, if you feel that it is not necessary to call 999, please call the police on the 101, #NHS on 111, and the fire service on their general-enquires number (find out on their website).
Unnecessary 999/112 calls can cost someone's safety, life, or emergency response because someone who generally needs an emergency response has been had their crucial response held-up by a hoax call.
Is there any difference between 999, or 112? No, there is very little difference between the two numbers, except that 112 can be used in any #EU country. The call goes to the exact same place as a 999 call.