Gardening tools have been gifted to The White Meadows Primary Academy by the #Littlehampton District Lions #Football Club.

The tools were gifted to the school because The Lions FC had seen a post by the school, appealing for funds to assist their gardening project, then they gave the school some free tools.
A spokesperson for White Meadows said: “We were incredibly grateful as a school to receive such a generous donation from the Lion’s club."
“All of the equipment will be put to great use throughout the school year. We are looking forward to growing lots of fruit, flowers, and vegetables with our children.”
John Taylor, from the Littlehampton District Lions Club, said: “The last eighteen months has been a very difficult time for us all and it is very satisfying to know that the provision of the equipment would help the academy’s children to rejuvenate their garden area and at the same time teach them to be responsible, patient, and giving them time out of the classroom, providing positive experiences."