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Here Are 10 traffic laws You don`t know your breaking

1. Parking on the pavement

Parking on the pavement is against the law as it means driving onto the pavement and driving onto the pavement except to gain lawful access to property or to attend to an emergency is a criminal offense under Section 72 of the Highways Act 1835

& Obstruction & Possibily a (TRO) Traffic Regulation Order set in your town by city council. In London it`s also directly an offense to park on the pavement.

2. Sleeping in your car whilst you are over 35 micrograms of alcohol

If You are over the drink drive limit rightly you wouldn`t dare drive but you could get a drunk in charge, Charge. Police have prosecuted people for drunk in charge offenses in there own driveways before.

3. Using a hand held device apart from a two way radio whilst the engines running

It is an offense to use your hand held device whilst the vehicles engine is running even if the handbrake is applied.

4. Failure to disclose health conditions to the DVLA

failure to disclose health conditions is an offense as for example if a condition may affect your driving and you do not disclose you are breaking the law.

5. Beeping your horn within the hours of

11:PM-7:00AM in built up areas

Except if another road user poses a danger.

6. Speeding

If you have ever gone even 1mph over the speed limit you are still speeding which is a criminal offense.

7. Not worn a seatbelt in your vehicle except most buses. Over 14 years of age

If you do not wear a seatbelt under 14 the driver is breaking the law however if your 14 or over you are legally responsible.

8. Driven into your driveway without a dropped kerb

If you do not have a dropped kerb it is illegal to gain access to property as the law states except to gain LAWFUL access to property.

9. Cycling on the pavement

Cycling on the pavement is a criminal offense as bicycles are legally considered vehicles.

10. Following to close behind another vehicle

If you to close behind you are Tailgating which is a criminal offense.

Bonus: 11. Driving on the wrong side of the road

Except Lawfully overtaking other parked cars and very limited exceptions and parking.


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