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"Here's why I think buses and larger vehicles should have right of way over cars..."

Writer: Dwayne Hards✅Dwayne Hards✅

Updated: Jan 4, 2022

I feel buses and larger vehicles should have full right of way when pulling out or turning into a road/roundabout for the safety of other road users and themselves.

In my perspective, I feel that buses, trams, lorries, and coaches should have priority most times over cars, bikes, and vans because I feel it will help reduce the likelihood of an accident in a situation where a bus or larger vehicle pulls out when they can't see properly.

The Highway Code already states "Buses, coaches, and trams. Give priority to these vehicles when you can do so safely, especially when they signal to pull away from stops. Look out for people getting off a bus or tram and crossing the road."

I also feel giving priority to these vehicles will make our roads a lot safer because more drivers will give way to bigger vehicles and will, therefor, help reduce the likelihood of an accident or a collision.

I feel that giving way to larger vehicles is in The Highway Code for a good reason because this book is about road safety and they wouldn't have added the advice if it wasn't a safer way of driving.

I also understand and accept that sometimes giving way to larger vehicles is dangerous, unsafe, or may even be more confusing and put other road users at risk of an accident so I only feel these vehicles should be given priority when this can safely be done.

I believe in road safety and the traffic laws because they are in place for a reason.

I feel quite concerned and surprised at the number of impatient drivers which don't give larger vehicles space or give way to them and that's what I would like changed by passing a law which mandates drivers give priority to large vehicles when safe to do so.

I just feel it is common sense and basic safety to give priority and plenty of space to larger vehicles.

I mean, let's be real, cars and small vehicles aren't going to win a collision with a bus or lorry so, if I was driving, I would just wait rather than risk losing my life and putting others at risk. Drivers can argue their right of way when they're underneath a lorry or bus and say "but I had right of way", however, it won't change the fact if they gave priority it wouldn't have happened.

I am 14. I have #Autistic Spectrum Disorder (#ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (#ADHD). I am passionate about the rules of the road and traffic safety. I don't get in cars, but I have respect for other drivers and passengers providing they stick to the rules of the road. I only use public transport (except taxis) because I feel it is safer and there is far less chance of an accident on a train or bus.


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