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Lady offers boy money for chips

Writer: LCN ✅LCN ✅

A kind lady has offered Dwayne Hards an estimated £1.35 for a medium sized portion of chips from Osca's Fish & Chips.

Copyright: Dwayne Hards.

After Dwayne was short of 40 pence for a medium sized portion of chips, a kind lady asked him "would you like some money for chips?", she then gave him the cash. Dwayne responded by repeatedly thanking the lady.

Dwayne gave the lady the ten pence change after he bought his chips and said "thank you" again.

Dwayne said: "We are incredibly lucky to have such generous, thoughtful, and caring people in our community who always look out for each other with such kindness."

"I am very thankful for this lady's kindness as this positivity helps to spread positive energy around our town and shows that our community does care and look out for each other."

"If everyone did something nice each day, even just a smile, it will help make people feel better about themselves."


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