I — Dwayne Hards, LCN's Founder — have been positively engaging with the people of Littlehampton earlier this morning.

Locals seemed to enjoy talking to me about their pets, morning routines, and bus schedules, as well as how they managed during the COVID-19 pandemic. I also enjoyed talking to the amazing people of Littlehampton.
I helped one local with the 9 Arundel bus times, and I spoke to another about their seemingly nice dog. I also said good morning to many of our residents, and most of them said good morning back to me.
I'm finally starting to see that most of our locals are nice people, as it's only a small minority of people who ruin the town's reputation for everyone else.
I would like to ask residents to continue treating others the way they'd expect to be treated. I would also strongly urge locals to look out for those around them. Doing this will result in many happy people and may also earn you some much-needed respect.