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Littlehampton Statement by Site Leader: Dwayne Hards

Updated: Oct 28, 2021

I have moved from Milton Keynes to #Littlehampton and along with my move I have changed LCN's name from MK Local News And Awareness UK 3 to WCN, Worthing County News because I was originally going to move to Worthing, however, plans changed and Littlehampton was decided so I changed WCN's Name to LCN, Littlehampton Community News.

LCN is a private news, social website for everyone to access trustworthy news & connect with friends/family about news, politics, general events/ideas.

LCN is more for the Littlehampton Local Community, the Sussex Population, and the Milton Keynes Community, however, anyone, anywhere can still view/interact on LCN it just means that LCN reports topics specifically trending in #Littlehampton, #Sussex.

During these stressful times for all of us, LCN has multiple online activities/news topics/categories to pick from to keep you updated and entertained.

Leader: Dwayne Hards


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