#Sussex's Neighbourhood Watch have received reports of 'suspicious Next Door invitations'. These reports have led Neighbourhood Watch to investigate the reports.

A number of the victims were left 'distressed' amid the 'invitations', said Derek Pratt, administrator for Sussex's Neighbourhood watch.
Derek said: “We understand that some residents have received letters which infer that a neighbour has invited them to join Next door, a #US based social networking app which appears to be building a database to use advertising to connect neighbours with businesses.”
“These letters may quote a code expiring in seven days. Some residents may find these approaches to be unwanted, or distressing.”
“We would like to remind you that you are under no obligation to respond to any such approaches.”
“Your data available to us is kept very securely within the #UK, and is not used for profit-making purposes.
“It is only shared with the Information Providers that you have agreed to receive messages from, most commonly, Sussex Police, Action Fraud, and Get Safe Online.”
Neighbourhood watch has taken residents security, and privacy of data 'very seriously', said Derek Pratt. #NeighbourhoodWatch