Those carrying knives are putting themselves at risk of being arrested by the police, according to police officers.

The small minority of knife-carrying individuals are now at a serious risk of being slapped with a criminal record, a prison sentence, and/or an unlimited fine.
Those caught in possession of prohibited weapons — such as knives and screwdrivers — can be sent to prison for up to 4 years, and those who use their weapons may be spending the rest of their lives in a prison cell. Those caught carrying prohibited weapons may also receive an unlimited fine.
Carrying a knife is illegal whether you claim "self-defence" or not, as this is no excuse to be in possession of weapons. Those who claim "self-defence" are clearly intending to use their weapons.
Carrying a knife shows that you're scared of others — in other words, it means you're a complete pussy (coward), in my opinion. Most teenagers in the roughest neighbourhoods don't carry knives, as they don't want to be thought of as pussies.
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