There are lots of myths going around magazines and newspapers that are claiming father christmas isn't real but these are just opinions not actual news.

I know someone who has seen santa`s sleigh going off of there roof, and heard bells on the roof so we all know santa exists.
And I have seen a lot of clips of santa being caught on camera and some look real to me, and I just trust that the North Pole Magic Exists, here is a clip from Children`s Healthcare of Atlanta proving his existance.
Seems real to me.
And here`s some more clips \
Here is My evidence that he exists you can either take it as real evidence or rub it back in my face but if you choose to rub it back in my face then don`t expect me to help you when you get nothing from #Santa!
Those who say Santa doesn't exist don`t want to believe and they often have been put on the naughty list in the past and they are trying to outsmart him.