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Shoreham toilets and cycling issues – simple solutions?

Letter from: Adrian Towler, Connaught Avenue, Shoreham.

Your regular correspondent Eric Waters makes a very valid point about direction signs to toilets – something I have remarked on before.

Yes, if you’re shopping in Shoreham High Street the toilets are not far away but is there a sign? No sir. One or two by the Marlipins would do the trick, especially for visitors to our town. Councillors, can we please stretch to it?

The other popular topic, cyclists versus pedestrians, keeps cropping up and is there a solution for our nice Ferry Bridge? What might work is for ‘ped-east-rians’ to stick to the east side (Brighton side) and cyclists ‘go west’ (go on the Worthing side of the bridge). Again like the toilets, a few simple signs would not be prohibitively expensive and could make a big difference. No lines painted on the bridge – just people keeping to one side and avoiding cyclists.


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