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Sussex Police promise a crackdown on anti-social driving

#Sussex #Police have registered almost 500 road traffic offenses since they began the 'Bank Holiday Road Safety operation'.

Sussex Police officers have teamed up to provide law-breaking drivers with education, engagement, and enforcement since #Saturday. #May, 2021, to #Monday, 31st, May 2021.

Sussex Police aim to actualise a safer environment where drivers will think twice before breaking the law, or endangering themselves, others road users, and/or pedestrians. Sussex Police have said this operation will reduce poor/antisocial driving, casualties, and injuries.

Chief Inspector Michael Hodder, of the #Surrey, and Sussex Roads Policing Unit, said: “As ever, our activity was generally well-received by the vast majority of the public who are safe, and responsible motorists, and who could appreciate that our priority is to keep everyone safe on our roads through education, and engagement. However, there is always a small minority of people who believe the rules don’t apply to them, and in turn, they risk the lives of themselves, and others. This sort of behaviour will not be tolerated, and we will continue to take robust action against anyone who misuses our roads through dangerous, or antisocial driving.”
Chief Inspector Hodder added: “The public can expect to see a heightened policing presence every weekend throughout the summer, as we strive to reduce the number of people killed, or seriously injured on our roads.”

485 drivers were pulled over by Sussex Police officers/staff for road traffic offenses, including drink driving, drug driving, speeding, careless driving, driving with no insurance, and false/illegal number plates.


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