A group of teenagers — including two boys and two girls — allegedly hurled abuse at families and their children earlier today, according to residents.

Teenagers have been accused of verbally abusing locals on the Littlehampton seafront. They were also accused of threatening drivers, including: a white van driver.
Teenagers were allegedly threatening to hurt a dad and his daughter, and he said he responded by telling them to "fuck off" and to stop abusing him and his daughter or he's going to "kick them down the promenade like a sack of potatoes".
The teenagers seemed to be off their faces, residents have said.
One of the teenagers was wearing a dark top and a pair of jeans, according to a Littlehampton resident.
A local, who chose to remain anonymous, said he is concerned about the teenagers' behaviour, as some people — such as elderly/vulnerable people — can't stand up to the teens.
If you were one of the teens (accused of the abusive behaviour), please email us so that we can give you a voice as well.