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Tempers rise after Putin bombs a disabled care home

Writer: Dwayne Hards✅Dwayne Hards✅

Russian President Vladimir Putin has bombed a Kharkiv care home in Ukraine which was full of disabled people.

Image of a Ukrainian flag.
Copyright: Dwayne Hards.

The care home was bombed at around 8am on 1 March 2022.

World leaders have expressed their anger against the Russian President, condemning his attack on the care home which was full of around 330 disabled adults and children.

No-one was killed in the bombing because the disabled people and their carers managed to flee the scene in time, and Putin shockingly attempted justifying the bombing by saying "but no-one died"; however, world leaders angrily slammed Putin's justification, condemning his discriminatory and heartless attack on innocent disabled children and adults.

Governments have been heavily criticised for allowing Putin to do exactly as he likes and invade a country with no fear of accountability; however, the downside of countries fighting back is the possibility of a world war which would kill millions of innocent people.


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