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The reasons people MUST stop littering now!

Updated: May 8, 2021

A scientific/environmental study lead by the prestigious magazine, has found that; more than 8 million tons of plastic bottles end up in the sea each year, it is also estimated that in year 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean.

Littering is a global-crisis because all over the world in most (if not all) countries there are people, and organisations whom irresponsibly dispose of plastics, rubber, and other non-biodegradable items. When litter is dropped it ends up either in the ocean, or it ends up in fields, nature reserves (parks), and in our streets/roads.

Once litter is dropped the consequences it has on the environment are catastrophic because litter can cause: animals to choke/get tangled in plastic/litter, fires, global warming, contaminating water sources/natural materials, community discomfort, an unpleasant mess, and litter may cause animals (including domesticated pets) to become seriously ill from litter, & potentially die from the litter either from either choking, or contamination.

Littering is a selfish, and lazy move because the people whom choose to deposit their litter irresponsibly are often doing so without thinking how it will effect the environment later on, no-one forces someone to litter, people make the choice, which is why littering is selfish.

If we do not stop littering now, then clearing the oceans from plastic will be near impossible because if there is more plastic than fish in the ocean then filtering the ocean from plastic will cost billions of pounds which governments will likely not be able to afford, if it is even doable.

The damage is done, we cannot change the past, but we can however change the future by:

  • carrying litter until you get near a safe disposal zone, or until you reach your destination where there is a bin present

  • clearing the oceans from plastics, and non-biodegradable materials

  • inventing new tactics to rid the planet from as much rubbish as possible

  • aiding poorer countries to dispose of rubbish safely

  • going litter-picking

  • organising clean-ups in the local community

  • by encouraging others to dispose of their waste responsibly

  • educating children from an early age on the environmental effects of littering

  • enforcing littering with strict measures including community service, or/and a prison term if the offender refuses to carry out his community service (clearing our community from plastics)

  • recycling

By doing all of these things we can all help to control/reduce the spread of litter across our planet.

According to Litter is dirty, and spoils our environment. Turtles, seals, birds, and dolphins often mistake plastic waste for food. ... After animals eat plastic, their intestines get blocked, and their normal food can't be digested properly. If they eat too much plastic, their stomachs always feel full, so they don't eat anything else.


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