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THUGS attack man in his own house for fighting off intruders after trying to steal his dogs

The thieves had pretended to have a parcel for the man before barging their way into his home in an attempt to steal his dogs.

South Yorkshire Police have launched an investigation after the three thugs had attempted to barge their way into his home in a desperate attempt to steal his dogs.

Homeowner: Ryan Hesford, 33, had only sustained minor injuries after he had dared to defend himself & his dogs against the thugs.

South Yorkshire Police have said in a statement that nothing was stolen from the property and they are appealing for information about the incident.


Mr Hesford was home alone just before 9PM with his three dogs on Wednesday night when he had felt spooked to hear someone continuously ringing his doorbell non-stop and banging on his door.

Ryan had attempted to speak to the intruders from inside his house from his smart-doorbell, which captures video, and allows you to speak to someone on the opposite side of the door through a built-in microphone.

However, unfortunately Ryan could not connect the door bell through his phone, so he made a decision that could have ended with his dogs taken, and/or Ryan dead, he opened the door.

Deeply-disturbing and appalling footage was captured by the doorbell's camera which shows the three men, two of the thugs whom were wearing masks, attempt to shove past Ryan in a desperate attempt to barge their way into his home in Doncaster, South Yorkshire.

During the robbery - one of the masked men can be seen wielding a metal bar. Unfortunately, one man manages to force entry into Ryan's home, and is seen looking around, trying to find the 3 barking dogs.

Fortunately, just a few seconds later, one of Ryan's neighbours had came to assist him as he wrestled the two men (whom did not manage to force entry into Ryan's home) away from his front door, the three thugs could then be seen vanishing off down the road.

Homeowner Ryan said: "The whole thing happened in literally 16 seconds from when I opened my front door. But I just feel so lucky that the guy who got into my house didn't open the door to the room where the dogs were. The good thing is that the dogs are safe.

I have two Shih tzus and a Pomeranian, which I believe are massive on the hit list of dogs going missing at the moment."

Ryan added that he didn't realise until he later replayed the doorbell footage that one of the men had actually got into his house during the attack.

Ryan said: "That was scary to watch back. But it looks like he panicked after a few seconds of getting in, and then he just left again."

The doorbell footage shows one of the men, with a distinctive tattoo on his neck, firmly knock on Ryan's front door twice, appearing quite impatient as he waited for an answer.

As soon as the dogs started barking from inside Ryan's home, the man whom managed to force entry then moved to the front window and tried to peer in through the blinds, before knocking twice on the front room's window.

Ryan said: "I was actually doing some work on my laptop and I had my headphones in, so I didn't hear the knocking. I got a notification through the Ring app on my phone saying there was motion in my front yard, but I looked at the camera and couldn't see anything - so I assumed maybe an animal had wandered through. Then I noticed the dogs jumping up at the window, which they only do when somebody is at the door."

The doorbell's footage shows Ryan answering the door, the man with the neck tattoo can be heard saying, "Parcel for Gary?".

When Ryan had made an attempt to tell the man that there is no "Gary" at that address, the thug then lunged at him in his own home, with one of the man's masked accomplices also piling into the attack.

Ryan said: "I could tell as soon as I opened the door that something wasn't right. He seemed really agitated on his feet, he was shifting from left to right. I attempted to slam the door on him as he came for me, but he and the other two pushed back and I've been left with a big black eye. Two of them did also have metal bars, which I think is how I've got the big cut and bruise that have been left on my right arm. All I could think was that I needed to get them away from my house. I managed to wrestle two of them out the front, and then I jumped over the wall and knocked on my neighbour's window, and they came out to help me.

"That's when all three of them ran off down the road."

Ryan has now shared the appalling footage with South Yorkshire Police, who are investigating it in a desperate attempt to track down the three thugs.

Ryan said: "The police got here within five minutes of the men running off - it was a really good response, I can't fault them. They were here with crime scene officers and forensics until about 2am."

Ryan also added: "I just want to get the footage out there to warn others to be aware of people like this. Not everybody would be able to fight back like I did. It's harrowing to think what might have happened next if it was an old lady that they targeted."

South Yorkshire Police have confirmed to NationalWorld that they are investigating the incident, which took place on Wednesday evening in Thorne, South Yorkshire.

SYP said: "Police were called at around 9pm on Wednesday 7 April 2021 to reports of an attempted burglary at an address in the Thorne area of Doncaster. It is reported that three men attempted to gain entry to an address in Kirton Lane. The occupant, a 33-year-old man, defended himself and prevented the men from entering the property. He suffered minor injuries in the process. Nothing was stolen and the men fled the scene. An investigation has been launched to find those responsible. If you have any information that might help our officers in their enquiries, please call 101 quoting incident number 953 of 7 April. Alternatively, you can stay completely anonymous by contacting the independent charity Crimestoppers via their website, or by calling their UK Contact Centre on 0800 555 111."

This must had have been an incredibly scary/panicking incident for Ryan to have had to have dealt with, especially being home alone.

This was an appalling, and incredibly disturbing incident, it is vital that these thugs are brought to justice and held accountable/responsible for their actions.

Dwayne Hards


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