Drank alcohol under the age of 18
Sworn or gestured to other road users
Eaten or drank whilst driving
Vacuumed between the hours of 6pm & 8am on a weekday or 1pm & 8am on a Saturday or on a Sunday
Parked on a pavement
Cycled on pavements
Speeding whilst driving
Pocketed change when given wrong amount
Beeped a horn for any reason other than alerting traffic
Been drunk on the street, in a pub or in a restaurant
Changed a CD whilst driving
Had sex in a public place
Bought cigarettes under the age of 18
Dropped litter
Taken illegal drugs
Disturbed people by ringing their doorbells / knocking at their doors and leaving before being answered (or playing knock, knock, ginger - also known as known down ginger)
Not worn a seatbelt during a car journey
Flown a kite in a park
Used a fake name on the internet
Stuck a postage stamp upside down
Used a mobile phone while driving
Cycled without lights after dark
Parked on double yellow lines
Driven through a red light
Not paid for a carrier bag at a self-service check-out
Had sex when you were under 16 years of age
Not had a TV license and watched TV
Used someone else's Wi-Fi without them knowing
Smoked in a non-smoking area
Thrown tree cuttings back over your neighbours' garden
Claimed an item at the self-service till without paying for it
Taken a child out of school for a holiday - without the head teacher's permission
Not informed the DVLA of a change of name or address
Not cleaned up after your dog has pooed on the street/public path
Cycled through a red light
Fiddled your expenses
Sung or chanted a crude football chant in the street
Gone fishing without a license
Parked opposite a junction
Put make-up on while driving