General Guidelines
Social distancing rules and guidelines for people and businesses in Scotland are set by the Scottish Government.
The Scottish Government has now announced Phase 2 of its route map through and out of the crisis.
Individuals and families
Any person who has symptoms of COVID-19 - that is a cough, a temperature or loss of taste or smell - should take immediate steps to book a test.
If this applies to you, please go straight to to get a test or, if you can’t go online, call NHS 24 on 0800 028 2816. Don’t wait to see if you feel better before booking a test, and all people in your household should self-isolate.
Read the latest information on COVID-19 from Health Protection Scotland.
The Scottish Government has published Vitamin D advice for all age groups.
Staying safe and physical distancing
Read the Scottish Government’s information on staying safe and protecting others through physical distancing for people in Scotland.
Scotland’s route map through and out of the crisis
The Scottish Government have published a coronavirus framework for decision making. It gives an indication of the order in which Scotland will carefully and gradually seek to change current restrictions.
Guidance for employees
Read all the latest guidance for employees including details about working safely, working from home, childcare, holiday and sick leave, and getting financial help if you are not working or working less.
Find out all the latest international travel advice and sign up for travel alertsvia the Foreign and Commonwealth (FCO) website. People are advised not to travel abroad unless it is essential.
People in Scotland should continue to stay in their local area as much as possible and should not travel more than broadly five miles for leisure or recreation.
The Scottish Government has coronavirus advice for parents on its ParentClub website.
Community support
The Ready Scotland website has advice from the Scottish Government on volunteering and how to support others in your community
Read about support for victims of domestic abuse
Find out how to protect yourself from fraud and scams during the COVID-19 pandemic via Action Fraud
Businesses in Scotland may be eligible for support from both the UK and Scottish governments.
Physical distancing for businesses
The Scottish Government has published guidance for businesses in Scotland on physical distancing.
UK Government support for businesses
The UK Government has set out a package of measures to protect public services, people and businesses through this period of disruption caused by COVID-19.
Businesses in Scotland could be eligible to benefit from the following schemes and announcements:
Through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme businesses receive government grants worth up to 80% of wages to keep workers in jobs, up to £2,500 per worker each month. 31 July is the last day businesses can submit claims for periods ending on or before 30 June.
From 1 July 2020, businesses will be given the flexibility to bring furloughed employees back to work part time.
From August 2020, the level of UK Government grant provided through the job retention scheme will be slowly tapered to reflect that people will be returning to work. Businesses will be asked to contribute a modest share, but individuals will continue to receive that 80% of salary covering the time they are unable to work.
Support for the self-employed:
Millions of people across the UK could benefit from the new Self-Employed Income Support Scheme, with those eligible receiving a cash grant worth 80% of their average monthly trading profit. If you’re eligible and want to claim the first grant you must make your claim on or before 13 July 2020.
Those eligible will be able to claim a second and final grant in August 2020. The grant will be worth 70 percent of their average monthly trading profits, paid out in a single instalment covering three months’ worth of profits, and capped at £6,570 in total.
The Self- Assessment payment on account, that is ordinarily due to be paid to HMRC by 31 July 2020 may now be deferred until January 2021.
Support for small and medium sized businesses:
Support for businesses through the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme via the British Business Bank. The scheme will deliver loans of up to £5 million for eligible businesses and is interest free for 12 months.
The Bounce Back Loan scheme will help small and medium-sized businesses to borrow between £2,000 and £50,000. The UK Government will guarantee 100% of the loan and there won’t be any fees or interest to pay for the first 12 months
UK-based start-ups and scale-ups can apply for the Future Fund, delivered in partnership with the British Business Bank. Eligible companies can apply for a convertible loan of between £125,000 and £5 million to support their continued growth and innovation and the Fund will be open until September.
Small businesses and employers across the UK who have paid statutory sick pay to staff taking coronavirus-related leave can claim back the money
Support for larger businesses:
The new Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CLBILS)will provide a government guarantee of 80% to enable banks to make loans of up to £25m to firms with an annual turnover of between £45m and £500m.
The Bank of England COVID-19 Corporate Financing Facility is designed to support liquidity among larger firms, helping them to bridge coronavirus disruption to their cash flows through the purchase of short-term debt in the form of commercial paper.
Scottish Government support for businesses
The Scottish Government has a summary of their support available to businesses in Scotland. Scottish Government coronavirus business support and advice is also available at the Find Business Support website.
Business support helplines
HMRC tax helpline
HMRC has set up a helpline for businesses and self-employed people who are concerned about paying their tax due to COVID-19.
Call 08000 241222 for help and advice.
Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm
Scottish Government helpline
If you run a business in Scotland you can also get advice by calling the Scottish Government’s helpline: 0300 303 0660. It is open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm. Select option 1 to speak to the COVID-19 team.