All drivers know that it is a legal requirement to give way at a roundabout, but however, some drivers break the law without even knowing it (sometimes).

Here is how you should, and MUST give way at a roundabout to remain within the law, and to keep both yourself, and others safe.
Turning right: When approaching the roundabout, you MUST wait for all traffic on the right to clear before you proceed (wait for a safe gap), you should be signalling right on your approach. When you have passed the exit before the one you intend to take, you should signal left until you have left the roundabout. Usually, all cars will have to wait for you, if you are already on the roundabout.
Turning left: When taking the first exit onto a roundabout, you MUST give way to all traffic on your right. A left signal should be used on approach to the roundabout.
Going straight ahead: When going straight ahead at a roundabout, you MUST give way to all traffic on your right, then you should proceed with caution. A signal is unnecessary until you have passed (usually) the first exit, then, you should signal left, cancel your signal when you have quit the roundabout.
What about when a roundabout is busy, or during rush hour? During rush hour, the exact same rules apply, you must wait for all traffic to clear, unless a polite driver decides to let you go. Failing to give way can result in legal consequences, and is illegal.
Mini roundabouts: The give way rules are the exact same, the only difference is that you should only signal left as you are leaving the roundabout 'if you can', because it is not always possible to safely signal left as you are leaving amid the shortage of time. Of course, you must still signal right, or left, however, signalling for the 2nd exit, or left for the right turn should only be done if it is safe, and practical to do so.
At a roundabout, some some drivers may be tempted to use the wrong lane to get through faster, especially at traffic lights, however, this is against the law, and can land these drivers with criminal charges.