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UK: This is why seatbelt stops are NOT illegal

You should always wear your seatbelt whilst in a vehicle because according to Being buckled up during a crash helps keep you safe and secure inside your vehicle; being completely ejected from a vehicle is almost always deadly. If you don't wear your seat belt, you could be thrown into a rapidly opening frontal air bag. Such force could injure or even kill you. #Seatbelt stops are NOT unlawful because by law you MUST (if #exempt) show your certificate to a police officer in #England. Seatbelts save lives, so use them! If you do not wear your seatbelt in a vehicle which slams its breaks, or crashes, then you may be ejected from your seat to out of the window. In the unfortunate scenario that an accident takes place you are twice as likely to die in a collision compared with someone whom was wearing their seatbelt. People are less likely to wear a seatbelt if they are a young passenger/driver, or are travelling short, or familiar journeys. However, according to Surveys reveal that the most car accidents happen within five minutes or less of a driver's home. Approximately one-third of all car crashes occur between one and five miles of where the driver lives. Buckle up, it only takes seconds, and may save your life. Ensure that your passengers are strapped in. And do not travel (if possible) by car if you are exempt until it is safe to return to the roads buckled up. Do not wear a seatbelt because of the law, instead wear one because it can save your life, and is the right thing to do. Wearing a seatbelt is far better than losing your life, or becoming seriously injured by the incident. It is always a good idea to ensure that your passengers are strapped in regardless of the legal age of #seatbelt responsibility (14) because ensuring that your passengers are buckled in may save someone's life. You must still wear your seatbelt if you are disabled, or pregnant, unless you have an exemption certificate. Our advice to anyone with/seeking a seatbelt exemption certificate is to not travel by car if possible until you no longer require an exemption, and is safe for you to return to the roads again because whether you have an exemption or not there is still a high risk of being ejected from the vehicle in which you are travelling. Buckle Up, Encourage Others, Save Lives. In order to help save lives, please do share this article with people you know. and want to keep safe.


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