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West Sussex Councils MUST Fine Litterbugs

Littering is unacceptable in all circumstances and must be enforced by local law-enforcement.

Law Enforcement Officials should fine offenders for littering the following items

  • Plastic of any form

  • Toxic Liquids

  • Cigarette Ends

  • Cardboard

  • Fishing Litter

  • Chewing Gum

  • Paper

  • Food Leftovers

  • Wrappers

  • Netting

  • Sharp Objects of any kind

Offenders should be prosecuted for littering the following

  • Needles

  • Drugs

  • Knives

  • Fly-tipping

  • Vehicles

  • Motors

West #Sussex Local Councils should have zero-tolerance for #littering and should fine/prosecute all litterbugs and spread the message that West Sussex is no place for littering and that littering will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

Dwayne Hards

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