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UK: What is classed as running a traffic light?

What is classed as running a traffic light?

Red light. At a red light, you must stop before the first line, your vehicle MUST not pass the first stop line. If any part of your vehicle passes the light's line, you are running a red light, and are breaking the law.

Amber light. At an amber light, you MUST stop, unless you have already crossed the first white line, or it is unsafe to stop in time. Failure to stop, if possible, at an amber light is an offense, the same as running a red light.

Flashing amber light. A flashing amber light means you can proceed if it is safe to do so, for example, at a pedestrian crossing, if the light is flashing amber, providing there are no pedestrians, you may 'proceed with caution'.

Green light. A green traffic light means you should go, providing it is safe to, and you have priority. When the light goes from red, amber, then to green, you may only proceed when the light turns green, not amber.

If it is unsafe to stop at a cycle box at a traffic light before the light turns red, you MUST stop at the last stop line, even if you are in the cycle box.


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