A "Zero-X Drone" almost caused #Littlehampton's fireworks for Bonfire Night to be 'cancelled' amidst health & safety concerns according to the secretary of the Littlehampton Bonfire Society.

Littlehampton Bonfire Night's fireworks were 'nearly cancelled' because of a drone which was flying above the bonfire that the society originally thought was a "mini aircraft". The society said "they didn't know how high the object was flying at the time and nearly had the event cancelled".
A "Zero-X Drone" was the suspected flying object according to the secretary of the Littlehampton Bonfire Society.
"Drones and aircrafts are prohibited from flying above the bonfire at any point," according to the Bonfire Society's secretary.
Secretary of the Littlehampton Bonfire Society said: "If our society haven't agreed or said yes to a request in relation to activities around our fire, then please assume the answer is no for obvious safety reasons."
The drone's flyer contacted the society with a video which they recorded flying above the fire, but they refused to upload it on their website according to the society's secretary.
"It would have been a real shame to have had to cancel the event again over a drone because we already had to cancel Bonfire Night twice because of the Covid-19 pandemic," said the society's secretary.