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1576 items found for ""

  • Layla Moran, Liberal Democrat MP, calls for Dominic Raab to 'resign, or be sacked'

    Layla Moran, a Liberal Democrat MP, has called for Boris Johnson to sack Dominic Raab, or for him to resign for being asleep behind the wheel of his car, and for being wilfully complacent. Layla tweeted in relation to Raab's 'wrongdoing', she said: "In 2018, it was hard to imagine that any Foreign Secretary would be anywhere near as terrible in the role as Boris Johnson, enter Dominic Raab." "He wasn’t just asleep at the wheel, he was wilfully complacent. He must resign."

  • Labour calls for Dominic Raab to either 'resign, or be sacked'

    The #Labour Party have been consistently tweeting that Dominic Raab either 'resign, or be sacked' amid his 'refusal to help save people's lives'. Labour have criticised the #Conservatives for 'not making a life-saving phone call because Raab was too busy on his little holiday', The Labour Party have also criticised the government for 'not sacking Rabb', they have demanded he be sacked. Labour have called the Conservatives action in relation to the #Afghanistan crisis "terrible".

  • Taliban barges their way into power

    The #Taliban have barged their way into power in #Afghanistan, they have booted the new president, Ashraf Ghani, out, he has had to leave the country be flying out in an airplane amid the Taliban's invasion. Many mums, who were attacked by the Taliban, chucked their babies over fences to #British soldiers to keep them safe. The Taliban are at war against United Nations, and many countries globally. The Taliban have carried out brutal attacks against women, children, and adults, especially against people who 'did not comply' with them.

  • Why you should not shoplift/steal

    Why should you not steal from stores, or any other private/public places? You should not steal from shops/other places because stealing is a criminal offense, can ruin your reputation, may affect your whole life, and you may have your picture posted, and be known as a thief, as well as ruining your career (if you are a retail worker, police officer, journalist, or other). Stealing is a criminal offense throughout our entire country, if you are caught, you may be jailed for a maximum of 6 months (for goods under £200), be jailed for up to 7 years (for goods worth over £200), or be fined, as well as receive a criminal record. If you are a journalist (private/independent, or not), your reputation may be completely damaged, and the word will most likely get around about what you did, especially if you reported against stealing, as you would be a hypocrite. This could also attract the attention of major news outlets, for example, #BBC #News, or #Sky News. This would mean people would know, and think of you as a thief. You may lose your job. Most organisations have an anti-theft policy, which means you may be fired, or made to resign, you may also struggle finding a new job. You may receive a criminal record. If you receive a criminal record, this can ruin your future, and/or life, as most job will refuse people with previous convictions, cautions, or criminal records. You may be banned from a store, or have your picture posted. Shops may issue with a ban, and/or post a picture of you in their shop, warning retail staff, and police/security that you are a thief, and are banned from the store. This would affect your reputation. Stealing harms stores/other places, and costs taxpayers money. Stealing effects the store's profits/revenue, and costs the taxpayers money because taxpayers have to pay economical costs in relation to crime, and crime includes stealing/theft, if the public didn't pay, stores would have very few ways to regain lost revenue/profits. Don't be a thief, shop smart!

  • Dwayne Hards: "If I received a Covid-19 Fine, I would take it to court"

    Dwayne Hards has said that "If I received a Covid-19 Fine, I would take it to court", Dwayne Hards is against lockdown, as lockdowns breach International Human Rights Legislation, & UK, EU Civil Rights Law. "If I received an FPN (Fixed Penalty Notice) by the #Police, I would take the Fine to #Court because government guidance is not law, and even if it was the law, it would violate international/EU law, as well as the laws of this country." Everyone who receives a Covid-19 FPN by the Police should appeal the Fine, or take the Fine to Court because effectively you are paying a fine that has no force of law. LCN

  • Heartless: Viral video shows thief stealing puppy

    This viral video shows a heartless thief stealing a puppy from a #British pet shop, after trying to steal cash from their tills. This heartless criminal has stolen from a pet shop, deprived a would-be loving owner from the dog, and prevented the dog from being granted to a nice home by the animal store, now the dog will be in a thief's home, not a good, and loving home, this is if the dog is not sold illegally online. Sadly, the dog will now likely be sold online on an illegal market. Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder, commented on the footage, he said: "This is absolutely disgusting how anyone could do this to an animal, it is heart-breaking." "I hope this vile man gets what he deserves, and that the dog gets justice." "This is borderline animal cruelty, and abuse!"

  • Littlehampton: River Arun's walkway packed amid the reasonable weather

    The River Arun's walkway was packed amid the reasonable summer #weather. Many families, residents, and visitors, as well as individuals, took to the River's walkway, in #Littlehampton, for an afternoon out, or a walk. The River's walkway was jammed, with both seagulls, and pedestrians amid the appreciable weather.

  • Littlehampton: Norfolk Gardens's golf course mildly populated

    #Norfolk Gardens's golf course, in #Littlehampton, was mildly populated this afternoon. A few families, and some visitors visited the golf course this afternoon amid the reasonable summer #weather. The course was not as busy as it usually is, but was still seeing a reasonable amount of visitors.

  • Littlehampton's seafront/coast sees many visitors, and families today

    The coast/seafront of #Littlehampton has seen many visitors, and families today amid the appreciable summer #weather. This seafront's train was jammed, the sea was full of swimmers, the seafront was packed, and the beach was mildly crowded with families, and visitors. A sign was posted, warning swimmers 'to swim between the red, and yellow flags' amid the strong currents. Lifeguards were in their huts, observing the coast to ensure everyone is safe, and well, they were also broadcasting important live updates, and safety news/information via their speakerphones.

  • Littlehampton Costa vows 'not to tolerate any crime'

    #Costa, in #Littlehampton, have posted a sign, which states "We operate a zero tolerance policy to thieves, and antisocial behaviour. All incidents will be reported direct to #Sussex #Police". The sign claims the establishment is registered with Littlehampton #Shopwatch, and that all offenders will be prosecuted. The sign also says the store is monitored by Sussex Police. Who are Shopwatch? Shopwatch are an independent organisation, founded by retailers, and based in the #UK, which works closely with local police forces to prevent retail crimes, antisocial behaviour, and shoplifting.

  • 'Fair in the Square' event scheduled in Norfolk Gardens, Littlehampton, UK

    A 'Fair in the Square' event is scheduled in #Norfolk Gardens, #Littlehampton, #UK, on the 21st #August, 2021. A raffle, games, and refreshments, as well as 'much more' is said to be included in this event.

  • Littlehampton's coast/beach mildly populated this evening

    The beach/coast of #Littlehampton was mildly populated, or almost empty this evening. The seafront had very few visitors, residents, families, or individuals this evening amid the time of day, and #weather. However, the beach had very few beachgoers, compared to earlier in the afternoon, which was more populated.

  • The Oyster Pond, in Littlehampton, was mildly populated this evening

    #Littlehampton's Oyster Pond was mildly populated this evening, with very few families, individuals, or visitors at the attraction. Littlehampton was also populated with very few people this evening. However, due to the time of day, the park was almost empty, compared to the attraction's popularity earlier in the afternoon, which was higher.

  • Littlehampton's seafront, and town densely populated

    Both the beach, and town of #Littlehampton were densely populated this morning, and afternoon amid the scorching hot summer #weather. Many locals, families, individuals, and visitors took to the coast for a day out, or walk on the seafront of Littlehampton. ________________________________________________________________________ Littlehampton's town densely populated amid the scorching hot summer weather. Many shoppers took to the town to do their shopping, or to have a visit.

  • Bognor Regis's town jammed this morning amid the scorching hot weather

    The town centre, of #Bognor Regis, was jammed this morning amid the scorching hot summer #weather. In the town, there was a "very talented" singer, he was singing many songs which the crowds seemed to enjoy. Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder, called the singer's singing "very talented, and impressive". Crowds gathered wider, and wider, as the weather got hotter, and the singer got louder. Most parts of Bognor's town were quite busy, both this morning, and most of the afternoon, right until the evening. ________________________________________________________________________ Bognor Regis's beach was also packed this morning, and afternoon. Many families, locals, and visitors flocked to the coast of Bognor Regis for a 'nice' day out on the seaside.

  • Confrontational driver, caught using phone, lashes out at vigilante cyclist

    A confrontational driver, who was caught using her mobile phone, has lashed out at a vigilante cyclist who caught her, to report to the #police. When the cyclist caught the driver using her phone, she (the driver) lashed out at the vigilante cyclist, demanding his id, but the cyclist kept calm, and calmly explained that 'she shouldn't be on her phone', and he will see her in court 'for a chat'. The driver kept constantly attempting to intimidate the witness, which is an offense under The Protection from Harassment Act, 1997. Using a mobile phone with the engine running is an offense, not just whilst you are driving. The driver was reported for using a mobile phone whilst driving, as well as for obstructing the highway. Not only is using a mobile phone whilst driving illegal, it is also incredibly dangerous, as you are taking your eyes off of the road, and therefor, are putting yourself, and other road users at risk of an "accident".

  • 'Memory': Looking back on former Stephenson Academy student, Dwayne Hards's, homeless project

    Former Stephenson Academy student, Dwayne Hards, created a homeless project to help end homelessness back in February, 2020. This is when Dwayne lived in Milton Keynes, but now, he lives in #Littlehampton, and currently has no school place. Dwayne created this project with Stephenson Academy, and said "it was an amazing memory". Dwayne wrote the letter to spread awareness on 'why we should help the homeless', and how. Dwayne said: "Stephenson Academy was a great school, and they helped me to create many projects that may make some difference to this world." "I am incredibly impressed with both the school, and this project, alongside many others I did at this school, when I was a student there."

  • Littlehampton's coast jammed amid the scorching summer weather's return

    The coast of #Littlehampton was jammed this afternoon amid the summer weather's return. Today, the coast was at it's busiest since last week amid the poorer 'summer' #weather. Many families, residents, individuals, and visitors took to the seafront for a nice walk, or day out. The coastal train was also running, making tons of money amid the amount of beachgoers. Many beachgoers used the coastal train amid the rise in temperature, and the scorching hot summer weather.

  • Littlehampton: Norfolk Gardens's golf course packed amid the scorching summer weather

    The golf course, in #Norfolk Gardens, #Littlehampton, was packed amid the scorching summer #weather. Many individuals, families, residents, and visitors took to the golf course to enjoy a game of golf. The golf course is hardly ever this busy, but, because of the return of the scorching hot summer weather, the golf course has regained it's popularity again. During the poorer weather, the pitch would most likely be (almost) empty.

  • Family event scheduled in High Street, Littlehampton, UK, and at 'Creative Heart Café'

    A family event is scheduled in High Street, #Littlehampton, and at The Creative Heart Café, #UK. At the event, there will be street art, arts, crafts, recycled crafts, music, music making, and photography. This event will take place from 11:00 AM, to 03:00 PM, this #Saturday, #August 14th, 2021. The event is supported by Littlehampton Town #Council, Arun District Council, Arts Council England, and Artswork. The event is said to be suitable for the whole family, and all activities are completely free of charge.

  • 'Edge By The Sea Café' crowded amid the scorching hot summer weather

    'Edge By The Sea Café' is crowded this afternoon amid the scorching hot summer #weather. The café was mildly populated this morning, but, as the weather became hotter, the establishment's popularity rapidly grew bigger. Many visitors, residents, and families took to the café for something to eat, and/or drink. The café is at it's busiest this afternoon, compared to the rest of the week where the weather was poorer.

  • Littlehampton's Town Centre flocked upon by shoppers. 'Community Wardens' on patrol

    The town of #Littlehampton has been flocked upon by shoppers, workers, residents, and visitors this afternoon. This morning, the town centre was mildly populated, but now, the area is full of people, and cars. Arun District #Council's 'Community Wardens' were patrolling the town centre this afternoon, engaging with the public, ensuring that the public follow the laws, helping to prevent anti-social conduct, and enforcing any violations of the law, as well as preventing litter. The '#Community Wardens' are funded by both Arun District Council, and Littlehampton Town Council. The town centre was flocked upon amid the scorching summer #weather. This afternoon, in Littlehampton, the weather is "21 oC", according to

  • Littlehampton's coastal car park empty this morning

    The car park for #Littlehampton's coast/beach was empty earlier this morning. There were only two cars in the car park this morning. Later today, the car park may be flocked upon amid the return of the appreciable, reasonable, and scorching hot summer #weather. The car park was most likely almost empty amid the early hours of the morning, and the cloudy, misty skies.

  • 'Edge By The Sea Café' mildly populated this morning

    'Edge By The Sea Café', in #Littlehampton, was mildly populated this morning, and very few people were ordering food/drink there. The café often sees the most of it's customers when the #weather is warmer, and nicer. But, unfortunately, the weather has been 'terrible' recently despite it being #August, in the middle of the summer. When the weather has improved, the establishment will most likely see a rise in their number of customers.

  • Abusive thug beats girlfriend, and leaves her with a broken arm

    An abusive thug, Stefan Peers, has seriously assaulted, beaten, his girlfriend, and left her with a broken arm, as well as many other injuries. Stefan forced the victim to lie to doctors, and nurses in relation to her injuries. Stefan received a 10-year restraining order against his victim, and a 20-month jail term. Peers is an ex taxi driver, with no current address, but used to live in Creek Road, #Dartmouth. Peers was convicted of causing grievous bodily harm, and was sentenced. According to the victim, Miss Hatton, the abuser had beaten her many times before, but did not cause any serious injuries.

  • UK Demonstrators protest against the "Covid measures", and the mainstream media's 'propaganda'

    Protesters in #Cardiff have demanded that Matt Hancock, and Boris Johnson be arrested, and the mainstream media to stop their 'biased, and propaganda' #news reporting. The video shows protesters demanding that people's freedom, and personal choice be returned to them. The protesters signs read: "No more lockdowns, Arrest Matt Hancock, Down with the criminal Cabal, and Freedom". The protesters were protesting that the mainstream media "start reporting the facts accurately", and that "Boris Johnson, and Matt Hancock are arrested".

  • Dwayne Hards, LCN's founder: 'How we can reduce the level of plastic'

    #Green #Environment #DwayneHards #Litter #StopPlasticPollution #GoGreen

  • Dwayne Hards, LCN's founder: "What I did on my birthday (yesterday)"

    #DwayneHards #DwaynesBirthday #LCN #Littlehampton

  • Denise Cairns appealing for the owner of a stuffed bunny in Littlehampton, in Norfolk Gardens

    Denise Cairns is appealing for the owner of a stuffed bunny rabbit that her son found next to #Littlehampton's miniature railway, in #Norfolk Gardens, #UK. If anyone has lost this stuffed rabbit, and would like it back, message Denise Cairns on #Facebook, click this link to do so.

  • Gypsies flock to Linden Park, Littlehampton, UK

    Gypsies have flocked to Linden Park, #Littlehampton, #UK, to set up a camp. The gypsies were reported to #Sussex #Police yesterday at approximately twelve thirty PM. The police are overseeing the travellers to ensure they follow all of the laws, and will be ready to enforce any violations of national law, or by-laws. Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder, said: "I have had enough of these gypsies leaving a mess, ruining the environment, and destroying council land, as well as causing a nuisance in many communities." "Something must be done sooner, or later."

  • UK: What is classed as running a traffic light?

    What is classed as running a traffic light? Red light. At a red light, you must stop before the first line, your vehicle MUST not pass the first stop line. If any part of your vehicle passes the light's line, you are running a red light, and are breaking the law. Amber light. At an amber light, you MUST stop, unless you have already crossed the first white line, or it is unsafe to stop in time. Failure to stop, if possible, at an amber light is an offense, the same as running a red light. Flashing amber light. A flashing amber light means you can proceed if it is safe to do so, for example, at a pedestrian crossing, if the light is flashing amber, providing there are no pedestrians, you may 'proceed with caution'. Green light. A green traffic light means you should go, providing it is safe to, and you have priority. When the light goes from red, amber, then to green, you may only proceed when the light turns green, not amber. If it is unsafe to stop at a cycle box at a traffic light before the light turns red, you MUST stop at the last stop line, even if you are in the cycle box.

  • Worthing paedophile jailed for sexually assaulting a minor (girl)

    A #Worthing paedophile has been sentenced to 17, and a half years imprisonment for sexually abusing a minor (girl) around 7-15 years ago. The offender's name is 'Richard Tallis'. The abuser admitted to six counts of sexually assaulting a minor (girl) in court, and was sentenced for 17, and a half years. West #Sussex Safeguarding Detectives carried out an investigation to ensure that no other children were at risk from this abuser. Angela De Vivo, a Sussex #Police Detective Constable, said: “Tallis had systematically abused this very young girl over several years, causing her deep, and lasting distress." “Only three years ago, did she feel strong enough to come forward, and report what had happened to her.! “We admire her courage, and resolution in doing so, and in supporting our investigation all the way, and in being ready to give evidence if needed." “Please contact us at any time if you, or anyone you, know has been the victim of such offences. We will always investigate, and can arrange for you to have expert support, and advice.” Richard Tallis will be on the Sex Offenders Register, and was also given a Sexual Harm Prevention Order, SHPO, which strictly forbids him from being around children, unless the court repeals the order.

  • Little 'hero' saves his sister's life by standing between her, and an extremely aggressive dog

    An 'incredible hero' has saved his sister's life by standing in between her, and an extremely dangerous, and aggressive dog. The selfless boy was attacked, and was scratched, bitten in the head, and has suffered severe injuries. Bridger, the selfless hero, said: “If someone had to die, I thought it should be me.” The heroic, and selfless boy received many stitches, and plastic surgery. The heroic boy ran away, grabbing his sister's hand, and taking her away from the dog extremely quickly. Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder, said: "This is an incredibly selfish, and heroic act." "This 'boy' is not a normal boy, he is a superboy, or superhero boy." "He should be incredibly proud of himself, I am also very thankful for his amazing acts, and bravery."

  • Tesco Carwash, in Littlehampton, accused of 'damaging customer's car, and being rude'

    The #Tesco Carwash, in #Littlehampton, have been accused of 'being rude' to a customer, and allowing the customer's car to 'move off of the runners'. Sandra Trigg, who accused the establishment of their 'wrongdoing', said: "I had to call into Tesco, I decided to use it for convenience." "I paid my money, car in neutral, and entered the wash, however, whilst chatting to my elderly mother, I felt my car move off the runners, and started to head for the wall." "I applied my brakes, and used the horn to summon for assistance. "To cut a long story short, my car is damaged to the left side bumper, the operative was rude, not once, but several times, speaking to me as if I was a person of very little intelligence, telling me that I must have turned the steering, I assured this person that this was most certainly not the case, to which he informed me that I was speaking shxt." "I have of course obtained the documentation required to claim against this garage, and will be passing it over to my insurance company, and making a formal complaint to the company, with reference to this member of staff ."

  • Littlehampton's coastal car park full of cars amid the reasonable weather

    The #Littlehampton's coastal car park was full amid the reasonable summer #weather. Many families flocked to the seafront of Littlehampton, and some obviously used their cars to get their. The seafront of Littlehampton was also densely populated with beachgoers today amid the appreciable weather.

  • Littlehampton's town densely populated with shoppers

    The town of #Littlehampton was densely populated, or crowded, with shoppers, residents, visitors, and beachgoers, as well as workers today. The town is often busy, even during the poorer weather. However, the beach is usually empty during the poorer #weather.

  • Teenage girl robbed, and assaulted in West Sussex, UK

    A 15 year-old teenage girl has been robbed, and assaulted in Hotham Park, #Bognor Regis, #UK. The teenage girl, aged 15, has has her iPhone robbed from her, and was hit in the face by a member of a group who approached her, said #Sussex #Police. Police Constable, Matt Fisher, said: “The victim was left shaken, and this has had a significant impact on her. A kind passer-by helped her home. We are keen to identify anybody who may have witnessed the incident, and can help us with our enquiries.”

  • Bognor's seafront was pretty much empty

    #Bognor Regis's seafront was pretty much empty this morning, and some of this afternoon amid the poor #weather. The town however was densely populated, and crowded with shoppers, workers, and visitors. Very few people visited the coast of Bognor today amid the terrible gusts of wind, and poor weather.

  • Bognor Regis's town crowded with shoppers

    The town of #Bognor Regis is full of shoppers, residents, and visitors, as well as people going to work. Bognor's town is surprisingly busy today, compared to Bognor's seafront, which was practically empty amid the inferior #weather. Many shoppers, and visitors had flocked to the town of Bognor Regis, West #Sussex, #UK.

  • Worthing's weather was 'terrible' earlier, and the coast was nearly empty

    #Worthing's #weather was terrible this morning, and some of the afternoon, and the coast was very nearly completely empty. Worthing's seafront had very few visitors this morning, compared to when the weather is scorching hot. The strong, and rough breezes were swinging lampposts/trees side, to side, pushing against walkers, pushing walkers forwards, and was causing pedestrians to swerve amid the strength of the gusts.

  • Littlehampton's seafront almost empty

    The seafront of #Littlehampton is, and was, almost empty both this morning, and afternoon amid the rough breezes, and 'terrible' #weather. Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder, called the weather "terrible", and said that "the weather needs to improve, as it is summer, not winter". The weather is on, and off currently. One day the weather is appreciable, or scorching hot, but the next day is unappreciable. Today, there was rough breezes, plenty of rain, and many clouds, as well as an incredibly strong gust of wind, these winds were blowing people sideways.

  • Good Job: Arun District Council did the right thing by leaving Norfolk Gardens's grass to grow

    Arun District Council are said to have done the right thing by leaving the grass in #Norfolk Gardens to grow, and the weeds to bloom. Dwayne Hards, founder of #LCN, has said: "Before the community of #Littlehampton informed me of why the grass, and weeds were untouched, I thought it was a 'bad job', but now, I understand that it is good for the environment." "Well done Arun District Council!" Here is some feedback from some of the residents of Littlehampton, West #Sussex, #UK: "Fantastic for the wildlife, well done #ADC." "Excellent, some people value wildlife, and insects, above dreary suburban neatness." "Good." "They are leaving some selected verges, and areas in the parks untouched, so that bees, butterflies, etc, have a habitat to feed, breed, and thrive. This has been quite well publicised." Thank you to all residents who came forward with this information, and gave their feedback.

  • Littlehampton town flocked upon by shoppers

    Many shoppers have flocked to the #Littlehampton Town Centre, many of the visitors were residents of the town. The town was densely populated, and flooded, both this morning, and afternoon. An APC van was also driving carelessly, and recklessly in the town, the van in this image (above), was swerving around the pavement dangerously, said Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder.

  • Bognor Regis's coast flocked upon amid the scorching summer weather

    The coast of #Bognor Regis, West #Sussex, #UK, was flocked upon this morning, and afternoon amid the scorching summer weather. Bognor Regis's beach saw many beachgoers amid the rise in temperature, and the summer #weather. Many families, individuals, tourists, and many other types of beachgoers flocked to the seafront for a nice day out on Bognor's seafront because the weather was more appreciable, and enjoyable.

  • Worthing's coast densely populated amid the appreciable summer weather

    The coast of #Worthing, West #Sussex, #UK, was densely populated this morning, and afternoon amid the appreciable summer #weather. The seafront had many families, residents, and individuals visiting the coast amid the scorching summer weather. During the nice days, in the summer, the beach sees many more tourists, and visitors, as well as residents visiting the coast, however, during the winter, very few people visit the coast of Worthing.

  • Arun District Council allows weeds, and grass to grow for weeks without mowing them

    Arun District #Council have allowed weeds, and grass to overgrow for weeks without seeing to the situation, or mowing them. Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder, has criticised the council, and has called the situation "a disgraceful, and appalling mess". Weeds are overgrowing, the lawn is not being seen to, or cared for. "What is going on here?," said Dwayne Hards. Arun District Council are responsible for mowing the lawns, and seeing to invasive plants, including weeds. The council are responsible for lawn mowing, cemeteries, maintenance, and bedding plants, and displays, as is stated on their website. The lawn needs to be mowed, the weeds need to be pulled because this is the council's obligatory duty. The lawn has been left for weeks, and the weeds have been allowed to bloom, mainly dandelions.

  • Laurence Fox slams the UK's government for releasing billions of face masks into the environment

    Laurence Fox has slammed the #UK's government for releasing billions of face masks into the environment. Laurence Fox, leader of The Reclaim Party, said: “And it’s like, you’ve just thrown 30 million masks into the sea. Is that good for the dolphins? I mean, get your f***ing story straight.” Laurence Fox has criticised Boris Johnson's 'environmental threat' amid the face masks being released into the environment, and posing a serious risk to the environment, the ocean, wildlife, and marine life. People who dispose of face coverings must do so responsibly, by placing them into a biohazardous waste bin, littering is a crime, improper disposal of face coverings is littering, and can result in a maximum fine of up to £2, 500 (if prosecuted).

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