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Jul 28, 20211 min read
Who has right of way on the Littlehampton seafront, cyclists, or pedestrians?
There are many cyclists whom use the seafront to cycle along, however, who actually has right of way on the coast? Pedestrians....

Jul 28, 20211 min read
'Edge By The Sea Café' mildly populated today
The 'Edge By The Sea Café' was mildly populated today, both this morning, and this afternoon. The café has had some families, and...

Jul 28, 20211 min read
How busy is/was Littlehampton today?
This morning, many visitors, and residents took to the coast of #Littlehampton for a day out. This morning, the beach was mildly...

Jul 26, 20211 min read
Butlin's, in Bognor Regis, vows to re-welcome day visitors
Butlin's, in #Bognor Regis, have vowed to re-welcome their day visitors, according to Butlin's plans. The resort have promised to...

Jul 26, 20211 min read
13 Year-old boy violently assaulted in West Sussex, UK
A 13 year-old boy has been violently assaulted by two teenagers in The West Park Recreation Ground, in Worthing. The teenager was...

Jul 26, 20211 min read
Woman brutally beaten in Hyde Park, London, for criticising Islam
A woman in Hyde Park, #London, has been brutally beaten, and stabbed for criticising Islam in a protest. The lady was expressing her...

Jul 25, 20211 min read
Rain hits the UK after '13 days' of sunny weather
Rain has hit the whole of the United Kingdom after '13 days' of extreme heat, and sunny weather. '13 Days' data source:...

Jul 22, 20211 min read
40 Year-old man assaulted by two males, 20, in Bognor Regis
A man has been assaulted by two males, aged 20, in #Bognor Regis, West #Sussex, #UK. Sussex #Police were alerted to attend to a serious...

Jul 22, 20211 min read
Eric Clapton refuses to perform in concerts if 'vaccine passports are to be made compulsory'
Eric Clapton, a musician, has vowed that he will refuse to perform in concerts if 'vaccine passports are to be made compulsory'. Eric...

Jul 20, 20211 min read
Brexiter sends 'vile' email to the founder of 'SODEM', Steve Bray
Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder, has commented on an email sent to the founder of '#SODEM', he called it "vile". The email reads: "Hi....

Jul 18, 20211 min read
Littlehampton's coast flocked upon amid the scorching summer weather
#Littlehampton's coast has been flocked upon amid the scorching hot summer #weather. This video (above) shows the coast/beach of...

Jul 18, 20211 min read
Littlehampton's coastal car park full amid the scorching weather
The coast's car park, in #Littlehampton, is full, and most, if not all, spaces have been taken. The car park is at it's busiest this...

Jul 18, 20211 min read
Arun District Council allows tree to tower over two Littlehampton phone boxes, and beach road shops
A photo has been captured of a tree in #Littlehampton having been left to tower over a Littlehampton bus stop, and many shops in #Beach...

Jul 17, 20211 min read
This morning's sunset in Littlehampton is looking 'stunning'
The sunset in #Littlehampton this morning is looking 'stunning' amid the 'phenomenon' called "Rayleigh scattering". Dwayne Hards, #LCN's...

Jul 16, 20211 min read
Are temporary '20 MPH speed limits' with flashing amber lights mandatory?
During certain times of the day, there are often temporary flashing amber '20 MPH speed limits', are these the law, and can they be...

Jul 16, 20211 min read
Pets: Dwayne's Giant African Land Snails have bred, and laid eggs!
Dwayne Hards's Giant African Land Snails have now bred, and laid a clutch of eggs. Dwayne's snails are just over 1 year of age. Dwayne...

Jul 15, 20211 min read
Dwayne Hards, LCN's founder, is 'super impressed' with the 700's bus services
#LCN's founder, Dwayne Hards, is feeling 'super impressed' with the 700's bus services. Dwayne said: "I personally feel that the drivers...

Jul 15, 20211 min read
UK: Do cyclists have to stop at a red light?
Many cyclists believe they can run red lights, and most do so regardless of the risks, and danger they are causing to both themselves,...

Jul 15, 20211 min read
UK: Do you legally have to stop before a cycle box line at a traffic light?
At a good percentage of traffic lights, especially in towns, and cities, you will see a cycle box, with a line, separated from the normal...

Jul 15, 20211 min read
Driver waiting at Rustington traffic lights exposed for parking in a 'KEEP CLEAR' box
A driver waiting at a set of traffic lights in #Rustington has waited in a 'KEEP CLEAR' box. Dwayne Hards said he "was not impressed with...
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