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Sep 8, 20211 min read
Littlehampton jammed as temperatures rise to 28 degrees
Littlehampton's beach is currently jammed as temperatures rise to 28 degrees in #England. The coastal car park, of Littlehampton, is...

Jul 11, 20211 min read
Elderly male assaulted in an ASDA car park
An eighty year-old male has been assaulted in an #ASDA car park, and has been seriously injured amid the attack. A 29 year-old male has...

Jun 20, 20211 min read
Crime: New animal welfare law means abusers will soon face 5 years instead of the current 6 months
In two nations of the #UK, both #England, and #Wales, animal abusers may now receive five-years imprisonment instead of the current...

Jun 13, 20211 min read
Littlehampton is in for a nice, scorching, and busy day (today)
Currently (08:31 AM), the temperature in #Littlehampton, West #Sussex, #UK is twenty-one degrees Celsius. Today, Littlehampton's coast...

Jun 12, 20211 min read
What is Littlehampton's weather for today?
Here is today's #weather forecast for #Littlehampton, West #Sussex, #England, #UK. Today in Littlehampton, the speed the wind is blowing...

Jun 11, 20211 min read
Littlehampton: Arun District Council issues speech after wall vandalised with illegal graffiti
Illegal graffiti has been found on a #Littlehampton building's wall. The graffiti was found upon at the southern wall of the Windmill...

May 17, 20211 min read
Woman suffers from head injuries after being assaulted in Sainsbury's
#Police were called to attend #Sainsburys in Longwater, #Costessey at 10:58, #Monday (today) to reports of an assault. "Emergency...

May 14, 20211 min read
UK: Is parking on the pavement illegal?
#Parking on the #pavement is one of the most common #community nuisances in Great #Britain, however, is parking on the kerb against the...
Apr 18, 20212 min read
UK: This is why seatbelt stops are NOT illegal
You should always wear your seatbelt whilst in a vehicle because according to Being buckled up...

Dec 28, 20201 min read
UK | Should litterbugs be behind bars?
Littering is already a crime in #England and can lead to a maximum #fine of up to £2,500. On average the #RSPCA receive 14 calls a day...
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