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COVID: Mandates are unethical and unlawful

Writer: Dwayne Hards✅Dwayne Hards✅

Updated: Mar 7, 2022

The British government and it's assemblies have introduced many immoral and unlawful restrictions for almost two years now and a majority of people are now refusing to comply with Boris Johnson's "measures".

Animated image of three characters social distancing in masks.
Image: Pixabay.

The British government have introduced some of the most authoritarian measures yet, including the compulsory wearing of PPE for private citizens, essential workers, and medical staff; compulsory COVID-19 vaccine passports or proof of exemption in care homes, certain venues and events, and clubs and bars; stay at home orders; state intrusion; social distancing; limits on social contact; and many other "measures". However, the government have justified the "measures" as "a matter of life and death".

The government has encouraged discrimination against people who oppose state control by urging businesses to enforce the mandates with the threat of fines, closures, and/or the losing of their licenses despite enforcement being unjust and illegal. However, the government said "enforcement is needed to ensure people comply with the measures, but common sense and fairness should be used".

The government have also failed to respect citizens' right to personal choice, life and liberty, and freedom of movement despite this being a breach of UK, European, and international law; it is also in breach of international treaties and both UK and European court rulings. However, the government has said "the restrictions are essential to protect public health amid the pandemic's threat to life".

Many people are concerned with the mainstream media's approach to the situation amid the scaremongering and one-sided, biased news reporting. For example, the media have shamed people for protesting, not complying with the restrictions, refusing the COVID vaccine, and getting on with their lives. However, on the other side, some justify the media's approach as "encouraging people to keep themselves and others safe".

Stereotypically speaking, a majority of the people who oppose the "measures" are usually either politically centred or right-wingers while the progressives tend to be happier to follow the restrictions, according to many polls and surveys around the world. The extreme left are often against the restrictions for other reasons.


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