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Dwayne Hards✅
Jan 15, 20234 min read
Comment & Analysis: UKIP given the opportunity to express themselves
UKIP's Jordan Gaskell has defended his political party and its views in an interview with LCN's Dwayne Hards, providing him with the...

Dwayne Hards✅
Apr 28, 20221 min read
Comment & Analysis: Why do some people deny climate change and COVID-19?
Some people are denying the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate crisis despite most of the world's experts confirming that these are real...

Dwayne Hards✅
Apr 22, 20221 min read
Comment & Analysis: PoliticsJOE must stop kissing Keir Starmer's ass immediately
It seems like YouTube Channel PoliticsJOE is writing their headlines in a way which is intended to make Keir Starmer out to be a "hero...

Dwayne Hards✅
Mar 20, 20222 min read
Comment & Analysis: Politicisation of a pandemic is wrong
The COVID-19 outbreak has been wrongfully politicised by many political activists and governments across the world, and politics should...

Dwayne Hards✅
Mar 10, 20221 min read
Policeman catches COVID-19
Sussex Police Officer PC Tom Van Der Wee has tested positive for COVID-19 earlier this afternoon. PC Tom tested twice to be sure that he...

Dwayne Hards✅
Jan 9, 20221 min read
Trains disrupted in West Sussex
Rail services between Littlehampton and Chichester have had all lines suspended with rail replacement buses being used to replace trains...

Dwayne Hards✅
Jan 1, 20222 min read
COVID: Mandates are unethical and unlawful
The British government and it's assemblies have introduced many immoral and unlawful restrictions for almost two years now and a majority...

Sep 9, 20211 min read
UK Government issue threatening post on Facebook in an attempt to coerce people to "take the jab"
The #UK Government have published a threatening post on #Facebook in an attempt to coerce people into "taking the #Covid-19 vaccination"....

Sep 7, 20211 min read
YouTube slammed for assisting the UK's government during Covid-19
Many #YouTube users have slammed the site for assisting the #British Government during the Tories attempts to control the public and...

Sep 6, 20211 min read
The UK is brainwashed into 'accepting' the totalitarian 'restrictions', and why they must end
Citizens of the United Kingdom have accepted the totalitarian 'restrictions' for almost two years now despite them being considered...

Sep 2, 20211 min read
Labour calls for "disgusting" online censorship "laws" against online anti-lockdown posts
#Labour have called for a "disgusting" 'online censorship law' to prevent people from posting anything against "lockdowns". Keir Starmer,...

Sep 1, 20211 min read
Scotland 'under fire' amid Sturgeon's "vaccine passport mandate"
#Scotland have now "made #Covid-19 vaccine passports mandatory in hospitability establishments", according to The Scottish #Parliament....

Aug 31, 20211 min read
Top Brighton Lawyer, Anna De Buisseret, slams police, and NHS over jabbing kids against their will
A video has been circulating on social media of a top #Brighton Lawyer, Anna De Buisseret, having a go at the #police, and the #NHS amid...

Aug 25, 20211 min read
UK | Equality: Here's why the wearing face coverings is, and was, a personal choice
Face coverings were worn by many #British people, but, did they were them out of their own free will, or by government coercion, and...

Aug 21, 20211 min read
Rightly So: Most countries 'laugh' at Boris, the Tories, and "Great" Britain
Many citizens, and leaders of different countries all over the globe have 'laughed' at Boris Johnson, the #Tories, and "Great" #Britain...

Aug 10, 20211 min read
UK Demonstrators protest against the "Covid measures", and the mainstream media's 'propaganda'
Protesters in #Cardiff have demanded that Matt Hancock, and Boris Johnson be arrested, and the mainstream media to stop their 'biased,...

Jul 28, 20211 min read
Laurence Fox slams the UK's government for releasing billions of face masks into the environment
Laurence Fox has slammed the #UK's government for releasing billions of face masks into the environment. Laurence Fox, leader of The...

Jul 22, 20211 min read
Eric Clapton refuses to perform in concerts if 'vaccine passports are to be made compulsory'
Eric Clapton, a musician, has vowed that he will refuse to perform in concerts if 'vaccine passports are to be made compulsory'. Eric...

Jul 13, 20211 min read
Civil Liberties: What to do, and how to react if someone challenges you for failing to wear a mask
Challenging someone without a face covering is illegal, and discriminatory, as well as being distinctive treatment, which is illegal...

Jul 12, 20211 min read
Community event due in West Sussex on July 15th, 2021, and six other dates
A community event is due to take place in Meaden Way, #Bognor, West #Sussex, on #July 15th, 2021, along with six other scheduled dates....
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