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Comment & Analysis: UKIP given the opportunity to express themselves

Writer: Dwayne Hards✅Dwayne Hards✅

UKIP's Jordan Gaskell has defended his political party and its views in an interview with LCN's Dwayne Hards, providing him with the opportunity to have a voice and express himself without censorship.

Image of people walking on a promenade.
Copyright: Dwayne Hards.

UKIP's response to accusations of racism and discrimination

UKIP has been accused of racism and discrimination for centuries, and we requested to hear Jordan's response to this. He said: "We stand against the Government's obsession with vanity projects, such as: the millions per year spent on the enforcement of political correctness. The country is home to over 270,000 homeless people; we believe this should be our first priority over investing money into woke appeasement projects. Only 40% of UK police forces have the sufficient staff to deal with rape and sexual assault cases because of the £1.8million being spent yearly to promote 'anti-racism' within our police forces. The UK is not a racist country, and we must ensure our Government's priorities are on the right tracks for what the British people need. We are not a racist party; we are simply realistic."

UKIP's defence to the criticism of its immigration policies

UKIP has faced intense criticism for its immigration policies and is often accused of being against housing immigrants. We asked UKIP's Gaskell for his response to this, and he said: "We don't believe we should be spending £11billion of taxpayers' money per year on foreign aid, especially when a lot of the money is given to countries, like: India. India can afford to spend 1.3trillion Indian rupees on their own space program yearly; India can afford to spend £2.4million per year on their nuclear program; India can afford to look after their own country!"

"We are not 'anti-immigration'; we are against mass immigration and uncontrolled immigration."

"The UK has limited infrastructure to support the amount of people coming to the UK. We acknowledge this fact and insist that a sensible cap must be established with immigration; or, if not, our nation's public services (and tax payers) will pay the ultimate price. We also acknowledge the truth regarding asylum seeking. By law, asylum seekers are supposed to seek refuge in the first safe country they reach — many do not do this! From Syria, you travel through at least 5 safe countries before arriving here; from Ukraine, you arrive after passing 4 safe countries. This is a serious breach of the law. And, when (as a nation) we are paying £1.5billion a year (the highest amount in over two decades), we must admit that there is a problem, and we must also come to the realisation of the fact that the British taxpayer will suffer more and more as our nation continues with this uncontrolled mass of new people entering our nation."

UKIP's response to claims of ignoring the working class

Jordan defended his party from allegations of being against the working class and said: "We are often made out not to care for the working class; yet, this could not be more untrue. We have, from the very beginning, stood against backward taxes and other pointless charges that burden the working class. The TV licence is an age-old concept that should be scrapped. Persciption charges should not exist; because, if you are prescribed something that you need, you should not be charged for it. The new clean air zones are nothing but an excuse to further tax drivers."

UKIP's stance on Brexit

A firm supporter of Brexit, Jordan said: "The reason for the economic decay in Britian, I'd argue, is not linked to Brexit at all. It, in fact, is mostly linked to the COVID lockdowns — which resulted in an almost-complete economic collapse. The lockdowns destroyed the small/medium business sector with many businesses forced to close down or even left to recover by themselves to this day. Trade with the EU actually was increasing during 2018 and 2021; yet, our economy plummeted regardless. The 2020 COVID lockdowns are evidentially the main factor that caused our economic decay, not Brexit."

UKIP fights against censorship

We asked Gaskell for his views on censorship. He said: "Censorship has become more present with the increased presence of political correctness. The more the rouge project of political correctness is left to run wild, the more damage it will do to our society. With political correctness, we face the issue of censorship in regards to what we are allowed to say and do. This, in many cases, clashes with our rights to freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Many fail to remember that political correctness originates from the Marxist communist ideology of 1917 — the same ideology that had millions imprisoned, censored, and killed in gulags due to exercising these rights. Political correctness prevents people from being able to express themselves and talk about the key issues in society even when they are unpleasant to hear. No-one should be punished for expressing themselves or for speaking their mind."

UKIP says it's realistic and for the people of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

UKIP defended their political party, saying: "The UK Independence Party are not the monster we are painted as; we are a realistic, patriotic party that want to put the British people first!"

About Jordan Gaskell: Who is he, and what does he do?

Jordan represents people with mental health difficulties and is an out-of-Parliament politician for the North West of England in representation of UKIP. He can be found on Facebook and is usually quick to respond to those contacting him.


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