Face coverings were worn by many #British people, but, did they were them out of their own free will, or by government coercion, and control?

Many people wore masks out of their own free will, but a high majority of citizens who used them did so "because they were mandatory".
Many mask-wearers attempted to force the government's, and their own opinion onto anyone who disagreed with the "mandate" of mask-wearing. They attempted to tell people "if they did not wear a mask, they would be dealt with by retail staff, employees, or even the #police".
People have the lawful right to choose as to whether they wish to wear a face covering, or not, and anyone who wears one is within their rights to without discrimination, as are people who don't choose to wear a mask.
Anti-maskers have been known to force their views onto mask-wearers, and this is equally as bad as mask-wearers forcing their opinion onto people who have chosen not to wear a face covering. Everyone has the right to freedom of choice, freedom of opinion, and equality, whether they wear a face covering, or not.
People should not wear a mask if they do not want to, and people should wear a mask if they feel that they want to (out if their own free will, not government coercion, or control).
The government cannot legally dictate what people wear, especially in relation to health.