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Top Brighton Lawyer, Anna De Buisseret, slams police, and NHS over jabbing kids against their will

Writer: LCN ✅LCN ✅

A video has been circulating on social media of a top #Brighton Lawyer, Anna De Buisseret, having a go at the #police, and the #NHS amid their decisions to inject children against their free will with the #Coronavirus Vaccine.

The solicitor in Brighton was seen having a heated go at the National Health Service, and the Police amid their unlawful injecting of children with an 'experimental' Covid-19 vaccination, and endangering children's freedoms, and health.

The lawyer was telling the police "the law specifically states children under sixteen years of age cannot give their formal consent to experimental medical treatment, and that doing so violates their human rights, and the law".

The solicitor told the police angrily that "injecting children is illegal, unlawful, immoral, and it's unethical, and you will be held responsible for what you are doing, and you will be held accountable for any breaches of the children's human rights, and any injuries, or deaths caused."

The solicitor told the police that they are 'more than welcome to read the law, as this is the law', but the police refused to budge. The lawyer added: "And you don't care do you about the law, your just going to kill children, and breach their rights."

The solicitor claimed "the NHS get £12.50 for a jab, and that's all they care about".

The solicitor claimed some people were defending the NHS's actions to "murder people's children". She told the people defending their 'wrongful actions' "shame on you".

The solicitor told the police 'they were obliged to answer, as they are paid for by us, the public, and are public servants'.


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