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UK Government issue threatening post on Facebook in an attempt to coerce people to "take the jab"

Updated: Nov 20, 2021

The #UK Government have published a threatening post on #Facebook in an attempt to coerce people into "taking the #Covid-19 vaccination".

The Department of Health and Social Care have uploaded a threatening and coercive post which states: "keep the good times going, get your jab today so you don't miss out on anything".

Dwayne Hards, #LCN's founder, has called the government's vaccine rollout "a national dictatorship" because 'the government are coercing people to take the vaccination through the threat of denial to freedom and everyday life'.

Dwayne added: "This is not freedom, this is government control and always has been, ever since the Tories found the virus as an excuse to strip people of their basic freedoms and liberties."


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