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DH explains: "Why you should not ask a customer 'why' they are not wearing a face covering"

Updated: Jul 13, 2021

2020 has without a doubt been one of the most stressful times in #British #history, from the #Coronavirus #pandemic, to the government's handling of the situation, along with the rising mental health crisis.


Our heroic/brave, and hard-working shop staff (essential workers) are putting their lives on the line by helping to feed people, and are helping to keep our country going whilst risking their own lives in doing so.

Disclaimer: This article is not blaming/damaging the reputation of essential workers, it is an advisory guide as to how asking someone about their mask may make them feel, and how to ask in a way without asking about their disability, or upsetting the person.

A mistake that most, if not all stores have made is asking people "why aren't you wearing a mask", and there have even been cases where people haven't been let in to a store unless they disclosed their disability. However, this mistake asking as to 'why' someone is not wearing a mask could make the person feel anxious, embarrassed, and even angry, as well as feeling challenged.

I do not feel that people should feel challenged for daring to enter a shop without a mask because people whom choose not to wear a face covering are obviously anxious about wearing a mask, and anxiety is an "exemption", so there is your answer, no need to ask because it's obvious.

It is morally wrong to ask someone "why aren't you wearing a mask" because asking someone regarding as to why they are not wearing a mask is challenging their anxiety, and their potential medical/mental health condition. This is also illegal because challenging someone because of their state of health is a criminal offense, however it is not a crime to offer someone a mask for example, "would you like to wear a mask", or "would you like to wear one of our face coverings because I am worried about your health".

If you do still insist on asking someone as to why they are not wearing a mask please do not ask "why", only ask "would you like to wear a mask", or "would you like to wear one of our face coverings because I am worried about your health", if you do ask someone "why" they are not wearing a face covering please do be aware that you may be sued, fined, and/or prosecuted.

By asking someone "why aren't you wearing a mask" not only are you committing an offense, you may also upset the person, and cause them to have a meltdown, or by asking 'why' this could make the person feel emotional, embarrassed, and/or discriminated against/bullied.

In the past I have been asked "why aren't you wearing a mask", and this made me feel quite upset, and angry, and also discriminated against. No person should have to feel this way because it is not acceptable despite the situation for anyone to be discriminated against, or feel discriminated against/bullied.

There was also an incident in #Butlins, #Bognor #Regis when I went to the shop by the go-karts, I was blocked from going into the Co-Op until I disclosed my medical condition, at that time I was not aware as much as I am now regarding the law on discrimination so I just let it go, however if this had have happened now I would start recording, defending my rights, and be considering legal action. I had also said that I was "exempt", however they still asked (in fact told me) to disclose my condition. I felt overwhelmed, stressed, confused, anxious, and annoyed. No-one should be treated in this manor.

If you ask the wrong person they may act in a way which they may not be able to help/control and may get shaken, shouty, or they may even go into a full-on meltdown, as well as causing a possible mental health crisis.

It is obviously better not to ask at all, however if you really insist on asking do not ask "why aren't you wearing a mask", "will, can, must, or you have to wear a mask" because this is

  • discriminatory

  • illegal

  • wrong

  • nosy

  • challenging

  • potentially bullying

  • pointless

the same applies to police, the NHS, private citizens, and any other person/authority.

The government says "members of the public should not challenge people for not wearing a face covering, but people who work in premises where face coverings are required can. They should be “mindful, and respectful” of those who are exempt". However, this is not correct because this would still be discrimination whether you work in a store/indoor space, or not, and challenging someone regarding a disability is illegal, and wrong. Regardless of the law, you should never challenge someone.

Remember, stay #positive, and do not mention #Coronavirus where possible, or Boris Johnson/Tories. Most importantly, do not force #Coronavirus on to other people.

Dwayne Hards


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