An elderly lady in #Horsham has recently successfully rehabilitated from #Coronavirus, a fragmented wrist, and a broken hip.

Winifred Young, born in West Chiltington in 1921, is due to live past one-hundred years old. Madam Young has nine great grandkids, two great grandkids, and eight grandkids.
When Madam Young retired, she still proceeded to bake cakes, and cook for her family, and friends. Ros said: many still remember her ‘super cakes, and meals’.
Winifred Young's youngest daughter, Ros Gander, said: “She suffers with dementia, but is wonderfully cared for."
“She has been a resident of Horsham for most of her life, and has brought myself, and my two sisters up, who have both sadly passed away."
“She went into service, and married my father, I think, when she was 18."
“My sisters, Moira, and Joy, were born there. We then moved to #Dundee where my father was from. I was born there."
“We moved back down to #Sussex in 1952. We stayed with my grandparents in #Horsham, then moved to the Needles Estate."
“My parents marriage failed, and we lived in #Littlehampton for a short while before moving back to the Needles Estate.”
Madam Young was a store-assistant. She then began her own catering business called 'Hostess Catering'. Each three of her daughters were working in Madam Young's establishment.